RECIPES: Chocolate Orange Pistachio Bark & White Chocolate Cranberry Fudge

For those moments when unexpected guests arrive for Christmas, or when acquaintances give you an unexpected gift—we have a strategy: Make homemade bark or fudge in advance. They have a long shelf life; it’s easy to carry a small tin with you for chance encounters, and even people who don’t eat sweets will be pleased…
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TIP OF THE DAY: Make A Cranberry Wreath…And A Mistletoe Ball

[1] Make a cranberry wreath for Thanksgiving or Christmas, or [2] a cranberry and mistletoe “kissing ball” for Christmas (photos 1, 2 and 4 courtesy Ocean Spray). [3] Were cranberries served at the first Thanksgiving? No one knows* (photo courtesy Good Eggs).   Sure, you can buy evergreen wreaths galore during the holiday season. But…
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TIP OF THE DAY & Gift Of The Day: Seasoned Olive Oil As Dipping Oil

[1] You can buy dipping oil, or make your own for pennies! Nice bottles like this one from A&A Alta Cucina Italia are welcome foodie gifts (photo courtesy Local Market South). [2] Another American tradition: Add a splash of balsamic to the oil (here’s the recipe from Lemony Thyme). [3] Bagna cauda, a hot dipping…
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RECIPE: Crunchy Fried (Or Baked) Tortilla Strips

What more crunch in your summer salads? Toasted croutons and chow mein noodles have long served that purpose. But in recent times, tortilla chip strips have become the modern touch. We have a recipe to make your own, below.     OTHER CRUNCHY OPTIONS You can also add slices of bell pepper, bok choy, carrot,…
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TIP OF THE DAY: Flavor Your Water With Fresh Fruits (Spa Water)

You can buy a bottle of water flavored with extracts, or you can extract the flavor of fresh fruit by yourself. Whether we’re home alone or expecting guests, we usually flavor a pitcher of water with fresh fruits (or add your own mint or lemon extract into tap water). The subtle infusion from the fresh…
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