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Cooking Video: How To Poach The Perfect Egg With Alton Brown


Yesterday we provided step-by-step instructions on how to poach the perfect egg.

In this video, Alton Brown demonstrates it. Join him and poach a few.

Know the different types of eggs? There are many more options than “white” and “brown.”
Check ’em out

Discover more about eggs, plus recipes, in our Eggs Section.



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FILM: Jiro Dreams Of Sushi, A Lesson On Sushi & Life

“Jiro Dreams Of Sushi” is a documentary by American filmmaker David Gelb, about 85 year-old sushi chef Jiro Ono—considered by many to be the world’s greatest sushi chef. The film opens today in New York City at the Lincoln Plaza and IFC Center, and on Friday, March 16th in Los Angeles at the Nuart Theatre. A national rollout will follow.

Considered by many to be the world’s greatest sushi chef, Jiro Ono is the proprietor of Sukiyabashi Jiro, a small, nondescript, sushi-only restaurant located down a flight of stairs on the concourse of a Tokyo subway station.

The restaurant serves only sushi and a few beverages—no appetizers, no miso soup, no desserts. The decor is classic sushi bar plainness: white walls, wood booths, tables and sushi bar. Customers must use a shared public bathroom outside the restaurant.

The great sushi chef Jiro Ono and his son Yoshikazu at their sushi bar. Photo courtesy Magnolia Films.

Yet despite the humble surroundings—a total lack of ambiance—Sukiyabashi Jiro is the first sushi bar to be awarded the top honor, three stars, by the demanding reviewers of the Guide Michelin. The reviewers famously give two stars for memorably great food and the third star for great ambiance.

The Real Message

We love sushi; it’s our favorite food. Yet for us, the inspiration of the film is not how to make beautiful sushi. It’s about the work ethic of a master craftsman who never stops seeking perfection.

At an age where most people are long retired, Jiro—who was hospitalized after a heart attack at at age 70 but never slowed down—gets up early in the morning and works a long day. He samples every piece of fish, trains his small staff of five (including his son) and stands behind the sushi bar to carefully mold and present his sushi. He’s there when the restaurant closes, after dinner service.

Jiro’s eldest son Yoshikazu, the traditional heir to his father’s business, is a bit like Prince Charles: past 50, diligently doing his job, respecting his venerated parent and no doubt wondering when he will get to run the show. His younger brother Takashi already has a larger, glamorous sushi bar in a fashionable neighborhood.

Follow the film to a theater near you on the official website.

Love sushi? Learn all about it in our beautiful Sushi Glossary.


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Vegetable Colors: Eat The Rainbow For National Nutrition Month

A rainbow of fruits and veggies (photo © Stephanie Suchat).


In elementary school, we learned how to remember the order of the colors of the rainbow: ROYGBIV—red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet.

Now, nutritionists advise us to “eat the rainbow.” The Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics made this year’s theme “Eat Right with Color,” to focus on improving eating habits, simply by eating a rainbow of colors.

Since March is National Nutrition Month, we share their recommendations.

So see how many of these colors you can work into daily meals. Make a game of it and get other family members to recommend their favorite foods—as long as they’re ROYGBIV.

The following suggestions recommend just one food per color, but through the power of the Internet, you can find many more.


  • RED: Until summer tomatoes hit the store, the bright, vibrant pomegranate has been proven to prevent a variety of chronic conditions, such as heart disease, Alzheimer’s and some cancers. If you don’t want to cut up the whole fruit (it’s easy—see how), you can get many of the same benefits from drinking pomegranate juice or eating pomegranate seeds (arils) sold in bags.
  • ORANGE: Bright and nutrient-loaded sweet potatoes are a delicious and filling food. Packed with beta-carotene, copper, iron, potassium, and fiber, this superfood looks great on any plate. For snacks, stock up on sweet potato chips (or make your own).
  • YELLOW: Bananas, a quick and easy go-to healthy snack, are a great source of potassium and electrolytes. Both of these nutrients help our bodies maintain normal nerve and muscle function, (especially good after a workout). Plus, bananas are high in fiber, satisfying, and filling.
  • GREEN: With a heap of cancer-fighting antioxidants, leafy kale is high in vitamins and minerals that promote heart health. Fiber-rich foods fill you up faster, which helps to keep your weight in check. More on kale, kale chips and how to make your own kale chips.
  • BLUE: Just a handful of blueberries or blackberries packs enough potassium and vitamin C to make it a top choice of doctors and nutritionists. These berries can lower the risk of heart disease and cancer, and help reduce inflammation which can lead to chronic diseases. EDITOR’S NOTE: Also look for concord and zinfandel grapes, flavorful blue-black cultivars that can be added to salads, eaten as a snack fruit, or drunk as juice.
  • INDIGO: More grapes! Red-purple varieties such as cardinal, emperor, flame seedless, and red globe are packed with healthful goodness. Grapes are rich in the phytochemical compound resveratrol, a powerful antioxidant that has been found to protect against cancers of the colon and prostate, coronary heart disease, degenerative nerve disease, Alzheimer’s, and more. They also contain anthocyanins and catechins, other strong antioxidants.
  • VIOLET: Go for eggplant. The Chinese pingtung long eggplant and some varieties of Japanese eggplant have a lovely violet color. Japanese eggplant (and eggplant generally) is high in fiber and minerals and low in calories. The skin contains the antioxidant nasunin, a potent phytonutrient (type of antioxidant) that protects brain cell membranes and may help fight aging and cancer.
    RAINBOW TRIVIA: It was Sir Isaac Newton who named and defined the seven colors of the rainbow.


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    ST. PATRICK’S DAY: Cocktails And Cookies

    Here’s a fun way to enjoy Irish oatmeal on St. Patrick’s Day: with a Baileys Irish Cream cocktail and oatmeal cookies.

    The recipe was developed at the R Lounge in Times Square, New York City, a venue listed by USA Today as one of the top 50 “best view” restaurants in the U.S. If you’re in the area, take in lunch (brunch on weekends) or dinner and enjoy the almost-360° view.

    The cocktail is paired with cookies. Is this the beginning of a new trend? Does it presage dessert pairings of cocktails and cookies (or cupcakes)?

    We hope so!

    To Serve As Dessert

    To turn this recipe into even more of a dessert, make little cookie ice cream sandwiches with vanilla ice cream.

  • Even better, soften a pint of vanilla and mix in 2 tablespoons (1/8 cup) of Baileys Irish Cream to make Baileys ice cream.
    Cookies and cocktails: the hot new combo? Photo courtesy R Lounge | Renaissance Hotel
    | New York City.
  • You can either refreeze before making the sandwiches, or make the sandwiches with the softened ice cream and stick them in the freezer.
  • If there’s not enough Baileys flavor in the ice cream for you, you can add more; but beware that with too much alcohol, the ice cream won’t refreeze to its normal solidity.

    Ingredients For One Drink

  • 1-1/4 ounces / 38 ml Baileys Irish Cream
  • 1 ounce / 30 ml DeKuyper Buttershots Liqueur or substitute*
  • 3/4 ounce / 22 ml Goldschlager†
  • Ice
  • Optional garnishes: whipped cream, cinnamon
  • 3 mini oatmeal cookies (or one large cookie)

    1. Combine spirits in a cocktail shaker. Pour over ice into a rocks glass.

    2. Alternative: Shake with ice and strain into a Martini glass.

    3. Garnish with a dab of whipped cream and a scant sprinkle of cinnamon.

    Need An Oatmeal Cookie Recipe?

    Here’s a classic recipe from Land O’ Lakes. To make mini cookies, use a rounded teaspoon instead of the rounded tablespoon in the recipe.


    Irish oatmeal (as well as Scottish oatmeal) is simply steel-cut oats. The style is chewier and nuttier in flavor than other types of oatmeal. It’s also higher in fiber because it is less processed than rolled oats (and much higher in fiber and nutrients than instant oatmeal). Here’s an explanation from Julie Lanford, MPH, RD, CSO, LDN:

  • Steel-cut oats are the whole oat kernel, which is cut into two or three pieces using steel discs. They are a better source of fiber than rolled oats, but take longer to cook—20 minutes or more.
  • Rolled oats have the bran mostly removed and are rolled flat to make them easier to cook. With the bran removed, they have less fiber than steel-cut oats, and usually cook in 10 minutes.
  • Quick-cooking and instant oats are rolled oats that have been cut into smaller pieces and rolled thinner; thus they cook quickly—5 minutes for quick-cooking and a minute or two for instant oats. They are the easiest option for preparing many oatmeal dishes.
    Normally one wouldn’t bake with regular steel cut oats, because they remain hard and chewy (that’s the point of using steel-cut oats). But if you want to “keep it Irish,” use McCann’s Quick & Easy Steel Cut Irish Oatmeal.
    *Buttershots is a butterscotch flavored liqueur/schnapps. The flavor of butterscotch is a blend of butter and brown sugar.
    †Goldschlager is a clear cinnamon liqueur that has hundreds of tiny flakes of real gold. It’s beautiful to drink in shots.


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    PRODUCT: Wallaby Organic Greek Yogurt

    One of 5 varieties of organic Greek yogurt.
    Photo courtesy Wallaby.

      Wallaby Yogurt Company, a family-owned producer of organic yogurt, has launched its first line of organic Greek yogurts.

    Greek yogurt—properly called Greek-style yogurt when made outside of Greece—is typically triple-strained, removing much of the water to create a very thick texture.

    Wallaby, based in Napa Valley, California, is known for its creamy, pudding-like yogurts which they call Australian-style, a term we’ve not come across elsewhere. We’d call them custard-style, French-style or Swiss-style (see our Yogurt Glossary for the different types of yogurt). The founders were inspired to make the yogurt while enjoying many a yogurt in Australia.

    A press release notes that “Once the founders had decided [to make Greek yogurt], they tried every brand of Greek yogurt that they could get their hands on. When they were done, they ultimately concluded that there just weren’t any organic Greek yogurts out there that tasted really great. What followed was an intense effort of repeated trial and error, to come up with what they ultimately felt would be a Greek yogurt unmatched in taste.”

    While we certainly respect the effort, this is a a different style of Greek yogurt than we’re accustomed to. It’s lighter and less thick, not too removed from the company’s regular lines. Instead of a thick, sour-cream-like consistency, Wallaby’s version of Greek yogurt is silky and elegant.

    Not that there’s anything wrong with that. But if you’re an organic yogurt eater who is fond of Oikos* Greek yogurt from Stonyfield—or delight in the Greek-style yogurts from Chobani and FAGE Total—note that Wallaby takes a different approach.

    *The Oikos brand name is also licensed to Dannon, a part-owner of Stonyfield, which produces a non-organic line of Dannon Oikos Greek yogurt. Yes, it is confusing!

    Wallaby Organic Greek Lowfat Yogurt is available in a variety of flavors and sizes.

  • Flavored Yogurt. The 5.3-ounce flavored varieties—Blueberry, Cherry, Honey and Strawberry—are packaged in the same type of two-compartment cup used by FAGE Total yogurt. We’ve never been fans of this cup. The intent is to allow consumers to control the amount of flavor they get. But regardless of the brand, we find that scraping out the last morsel of fruit or honey yields barely enough to flavor the cup—and it’s a lot more work than the if-it-ain’t-broke-don’t-fix-it “fruit on the bottom” alternative.
  • Plain Yogurt. Conventional plain yogurt is available in 6-ounce and 16-ounce sizes.
    The Greek yogurt line is now available nationwide in Whole Foods Markets. The 5.3-ounce and 6-ounce sizes are priced at $1.99; the 16-ounce size retails for $3.99. The line is certified USDA organic and certified kosher by the Orthodox Rabbinical Council of San Francisco (K-ORC).
    Learn your yogurt types in our Yogurt Glossary.


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