TIP OF THE DAY: Spring Asparagus & 20 Recipes

[1] Spring asparagus can be served at every meal of the day (photo courtesy Good Eggs). [2] Growing asparagus. It’s very labor intensive and back-breaking: The spears need to be cut by hand (photo courtesy Australian Asparagus Council). [3] Simple but elegant: a grilled rack of asparagus (photo courtesy California Asparagus Commission).   In the…
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TIP OF THE DAY: Try A Trending Beer Style

[1] Otra Vez is a gose-style beer from Sierra Nevada (both photos courtesy Sierra Nevada Brewing Co.). [2] Sierra Nevada’s Session IPA.   April 7th is National Beer Day. If you’re a beer drinker, you likely have your favorite style(s). But what’s trending in beer? Here it is, adapted from Flavor & The Menu for…
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TIP OF THE DAY: Breakfast Pizza

Flavor & The Menu, a magazine and website for chefs that reports on food trends, has recommended a new one: breakfast pizza. You may have encountered breakfast pizza, but it’s far from ubiquitous. “The explosive growth of fast casual [dining] has helped elevate pizza to new heights and has kept this exciting category on fire,”…
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TOP PICK OF THE WEEK: Edward Marc Chocolate Pretzels

[1] Covered in top-quality chocolate, a couple of these mini pretzels are a guilt-free treat. [2] You can set them out for guests, but we kept the bag to ourselves (both photos courtesy Edward Marc Chocolatier).   You can find chocolate-covered pretzels in stores nationwide. So why are these from Edward Marc Chocolatier so special?…
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FOOD FUN: Make A Ramen Burger For National Ramen Day

April 4th is National Ramen Day. It’s also National Burrito Day, National Carrot Day and National Cordon Bleu Day. In case you’ve never had a ramen burger, it’s a hamburger where fried ramen, formed into a bun shape, replaces the bread bun.     RAMEN BURGER HISTORY The American version of the ramen burger (photo…
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