Milk Carton History To Celebrate National Dairy Month

June is National Dairy Month, so how about some fun facts? Let’s start with milk delivery. In the late 1700s, every American household had a cow. A prosperous family might have two. As industrialization moved people into more urban areas, there wasn’t anywhere to keep a family cow. That’s when people began to buy milk…
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Types Of Cognac & Cognac History For National Cognac Day

Today’s the day to get out the snifters and the Cognac, and relax at sunset as you relish both (the Cognac and the snifters, that is). If you’ve never enjoyed a snifter of Cognac, you’re in for a treat. Two of our favorite recipes with Cognac: Brandied Fruit Lobster Newburg     WHAT IS COGNAC?…
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Try Pasture-Raised Eggs For National Egg Day

[1] Look at that golden yolk! You can tell it’s a pasture-raised egg (photos #1, #2, and #3 © Vital Farms | Facebook). [2] The yolks before cooking. They have seven times the beta carotene of conventional eggs. [3] Pasture-raised hens eat the bounty of the land, all year long. [4] A modern egg carton,…
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Savory Olive Oil Loaf Cake Recipe For National Olive Day

June 1st is National Olive Day, celebrating what is likely the second-earliest-cultivated fruit (figs were first). The history of olives is below. Our featured recipe, created by Colavita Olive Oil, is called a “savory loaf cake.” It’s made with a combination of AP flour and cornmeal, plus olives and olive oil. As a bonus: cheese!…
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FOOD FUN: Pound Cake Sundae Recipe & The History Of Hot Fudge

[1] Just buy four ingredients and assemble (photo © Sticky Walnut). [2] Use a good chocolate sauce for this recipe, or it can get cloying. King’s Cupboard, one of our favorite brands, has Bittersweet, Organic, Espresso, Sea Salt, and Sugar-Free hot fudge sauces. You can buy them online (photo © King’s Cupboard). [3] How to…
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