What Is Bavarian Cream Pie, For National Bavarian Cream Pie Day

[1] A fruit-topped Bavarian cream pie (photo © J. Java | Fotolia). [2] Bavarian Cream, or crème bavarois, is prepared in a mold and unmolded onto a serving plate (photo © Massimiliano Pieraccini | iStock Photo). [3] This layered raspberry bavarois is, from top down, raspberry bavaroise, raspberry compote, and coconut dacquoise, atop a crunchy…
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RECIPE: Papas Tapas, Fun Potato Tapas

We love all the creative potato recipes from the folks at the U.S. Potato Board. You can find them at PotatoGoodness.com. This recipe for Festive Papas Tapas is a twist on the classic baked potato bar (pick your own toppings). Instead of a baked potato, thick slices of russet potatoes are grilled or roasted, and…
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FOOD FUN: Stuffed Crab Legs

This isn’t primarily a recipe for stuffed crab legs, but a tip that many things we often discard still have a place on the plate. Here, the creative chefs at Petrossian made a crab salad with fresh whole crab. Instead of discarding the empty crab legs, they stuffed them and arranged them on the plate:…
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FOOD HOLIDAY: Carbonated Beverage With Caffeine Day

Do you know what this is? Chances are, you’ve consumed it (and some people consume it a lot!). Photo by Bob Walker | Wikimedia.   Today is National Carbonated Beverage With Caffeine Day. Yes, some of these official food holidays are quirky. But each one offers a teaching moment. There are only six plants on…
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TIP OF THE DAY: Festive Food Presentation

Make your food look more beautiful this holiday season. Sometimes, exciting food isn’t about complex cooking skills, but in an artistic outlook. The difference between your presentation and that at a fine restaurant may simply be a colorful and imaginative garnish. This red snapper from Aureole in New York City uses two chef techniques: Plating…
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