FOOD HOLIDAY: Scottish Fare On January 25, Burns Night

[1] The classic Scottish dish haggis is made of sheep organ meats cooked in a sheep’s stomach. Here’s the recipe from 196 Flavors (photo © 196 Flavors). [2] Chefs can give haggis the gourmet treatment, as in this “gateau of haggis” with layers of cooked turnip. Here’s the recipe (photos #2 and #3 © The…
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Recipes For Elvis Presley’s Birthday

A combination of two Elvis Presley favorites: cheeseburgers and bacon. Yes, you can spread some peanut butter on the bun. Because he loved bananas, have some plantain chips on the side (photo © Wisconsin Milk Marketing Board).   Today would have been Elvis Presley’s 75th birthday. Elvis loved peanut butter and banana sandwiches. Have one…
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TIP OF THE DAY: Use Those Toffee Crumbs

Enstrom’s toffee is the buttery best— and it’s also available in sugar-free! Today is English Toffee Day, so get yourself a box. But don’t toss out the “crumbs” at the bottom: They’re delicious on ice cream, cheesecake, yogurt or cake frosting. In fact, Enstrom’s, one of our favorite toffee makers, sometimes sells crumbs by the bag…
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National Cream Puff Day & The History Of Cream Puffs

One might ask why the holiday-scheduling powers that be allowed January 2nd to become National Cream Puff Day. Haven’t we just finished six weeks of heavy eating? Don’t we have resolutions to diet in the New Year? Aren’t we running out of gyms? But, since it is National Cream Puff Day, a few words of…
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TIP OF THE DAY: A Better Bloody Mary

Start the new year with a new Bloody Mary recipe. Photo © S. Mario | Fotolia. January 1 is Bloody Mary Day. Sure, you can reach for your favorite mixer and a bottle of vodka. But consider if there’s a better Bloody Mary waiting for you. The world is full of them: Bloody Mary variations…
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