COOKING VIDEO: How To Make Homemade Chocolate Truffles

  We just reviewed delicious honey-sweetened truffles (honey-sweetened chocolate) from Catskill Provisions as a NIBBLE Top Pick Of The Week. If you’d like to make your own honey truffles, Chef Alex Guaranaschelli shows you how easy it is in this video. You may enjoy truffle making so much that you’ll have solved your year-round gift…
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HALLOWEEN: Gnosis Raw Organic Chocolate

You’ve heard that chocolate is good for you, but those claims leave out two key points: Many of the flavanoids, the healthy antioxidants in cacao beans, are cooked out of the beans during the roasting process. Chocolate contains lots of refined sugar—milk chocolate and white chocolate have the most sugar, bittersweet chocolate (70% cacao or…
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PRODUCT: Godiva Truffles Take The Cake

If there’s one thing that will never make our “meh” list, it’s chocolate truffles, especially the ones so lovingly crafted at Godiva. Now, their renowned truffle-making artistry has leapt to new, irresistible heights. At Godiva, “How can we make truffles even better?” is a mantra. How indeed? Start with Ace of Cakes pastry czar, Duff…
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PRODUCT: The Best Mexican Chocolate

Chocolate lovers: Have you tried Mexican chocolate? Also called Oaxaca chocolate, Mexican chocolate is a cinnamon-scented sweet chocolate accented with cinnamon. Some varieties include clove, ground almonds and/or nutmeg. Mexican chocolate is used primarily to make hot chocolate, but it’s also an ingredient in pork rubs, as a seasoning for beans, and of course, in…
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COOKING VIDEO: Chocolate Black Russian “Cocktail” Recipe

  Our Top Pick Of The Week is Adult Chocolate Milk: a pour-and-serve combination that tastes like chocolate milk with a shot of vodka. It rocks! What if you’re jonesing for a shot or two, but don’t have Adult Chocolate Milk? If you have chocolate ice cream, coffee liqueur and vodka, you can make this…
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