TIP OF THE DAY: Homemade Chocolate Truffles, Honey Sweetened

Don’t these truffles look delicious, the work of a skilled professional? They are, the famous Force Noir* truffles from San Francisco chocolatier Michael Recchiuti (one of our favorites). He invites you to make them at home with the recipe below. Truffles can cost $3 apiece at an artisan chocolate shop. Egad! In truth, if you…
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TOP PICK OF THE WEEK: Honey Truffles

A beekeeper in the Catskills harvests honey twice a year. She bottles most of it for sale, and blends some of it into achingly good honey truffles. Made with the finest 70% Belgian chocolate and sweetened only with Catskill Provisions’ wildflower honey, these truffles are gems for indulgent chocolate enjoyment, or a special trick-or-treat gift…
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COOKING VIDEO: How To Make Homemade Chocolate Truffles

  We just reviewed delicious honey-sweetened truffles (honey-sweetened chocolate) from Catskill Provisions as a NIBBLE Top Pick Of The Week. If you’d like to make your own honey truffles, Chef Alex Guaranaschelli shows you how easy it is in this video. You may enjoy truffle making so much that you’ll have solved your year-round gift…
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