PRODUCTS: This Week’s Favorites, Most Gluten Free

[1] One of three flavors of new Muesli Cups—two are gluten free—from Bob’s Red Mill (photo courtesy Bob’s Red Mill). [2] Cali’flour cauliflower pizza crusts, including new Jalapeno (photo courtesy Cali’Flour Foods). [3] Snikiddy’s baked cheese puffs, organic and gluten-free (photo courtesy Snikiddy). [4] Trader Joe’s Birthday Bar: white chocolate, cookie crumbs and sprinkles (photo…
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TOP PICK OF THE WEEK: Willliam Dean Chocolates

People have asked us to recommend chocolates for Mother’s Day, and this year’s recommendation is William Dean Chocolates. We first encountered the brand at a chocolate show in New York City, a short time after its founding in 2007. The chocolates were—are—stunning, and the story of the chocolatier, Bill Brown, even more so (William is…
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GIFTS: Tasty Gifts For Mother’s Day

Looking for Mother’s Day gifts? Here are some tasty items that won’t break the bank.     1. CHUAO CHOCOLATE BARS Chuao (chew-WOW) chocolate is one of the leaders in America’s artisan chocolate bars. We’ve been fans for a long time. Give a gift set of these gourmet chocolate bars for to a chocolate aficionado,…
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FOOD 101: The Difference Between Crème, Creme & Cream

February 14th—Valentine’s Day—is also National Creme Filled Chocolates Day. But what’s with creme vs. cream? “Creme,” pronounced cream, is a misspelled, mispronounced Americanization of the French word for cream, crème (pronounced KREHM). It is used in the U.S. to make chocolates and desserts seem more special; i.e., French, without the correct French pronunciation and accent…
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VALENTINE FOOD FUN: Broken-Heart Chocolate

[1] Broken peanut butter cups in a chocolate heart box (photo courtesy Justin’s). [2] Chop or break up chocolate bars to create a “broken heart” (photo courtesy Hebert Candies).   If your Valentine’s Day will be more doleful than joyful—or if you simply have a twisted sense of humor—express your feelings in broken-heart chocolate.  …
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