TIP OF THE DAY: Serve Eggs In Mini Flower Pots

Last spring we published a tip on serving foods in mini flower pots—the size that can be used to pot small succulents. You can use them anytime: to serve breakfast, brunch, lunch, dinner, desserts and snacks. You can find mini flower pots in terra cotta or terra cotta-colored plastic. Either can go into the dishwasher.…
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FOOD HOLIDAY: The History Of Deviled Eggs

November 2nd is National Deviled Egg Day. Deviled eggs took off as picnic and cocktail party fare after the Second World War. But their roots date back to ancient Rome. The cooks of wealthy Romans boiled eggs, seasoned them with spicy sauces, and served them as a first course (known as gustatio). Serving these deviled…
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RECIPE: Lyonnaise Salad With Bacon & Eggs

You may know Lyonnaise potatoes, sliced pan-fried potatoes and thinly sliced onions, sautéed in butter with parsley; Rosette de Lyon, a cured rosy saucisson (French pork sausage); and Lyonnaise sauce, a brown sauce for roasted or grilled meat and poultry, made with white wine, vinegar and onions. Some of our favorites from the area include…
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Savory Custard Recipes For Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner

[1] Parmesan quiche with arugula salad: as a light lunch or a first course for dinner. Here’s the recipe (photo © The Secret Menu).   Custard is one of our favorite dishes: a symphony of cream, eggs and flavorings. Most people consider custard to be sweet—a dessert that ranges from good old American chocolate pudding…
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