STOCKING STUFFER: Cowboy Toffee Co. S’Mores Toffee

For toffee lovers, here’s a delightful variation: S’mores Toffee from the Cowboy Toffee Company of Oakdale, California. There are classic toffees we like better. Our gold standard is the uber-buttery Enstrom’s, which also is made in a sugar-free version. (It has so much butter, you’re advised to store it in the fridge! It’s also certified…
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STOCKING STUFFERS & MORE: Mrs. Prindable’s Caramels

A gourmet stocking stuffer. Photo courtesy Mrs. Prindable’s.   We taste many caramels each year, looking for those that are very buttery, easy to chew and bursting with natural flavor. Mrs. Prindable’s, the queen of gourmet caramel apples, has applied the company’s knowledge of making fine caramel to bite-size candies, available in sizes from stocking…
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RECIPE: Pumpkin Spice Fudge

Here’s something special to make for work colleagues, friends, family and Thanksgiving hosts: Pumpkin Spice Fudge. It’s an easy recipe from Nestlé. In fact, you can let kids old enough to work with hot liquids make it as their contribution. Prep time is 10 minutes, cooking time is 20 minutes. RECIPE: PUMPKIN SPICE FUDGE Ingredients…
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STOCKING STUFFER: Justin’s White Chocolate Peanut Butter Cups

Get them while you can! Photo courtesy Justin’s.   Justin’s makes delicious organic peanut butter cups in dark, milk and white chocolate. The salty peanut butter is a tasty counterpoint to the creamy, quality white chocolate. We’re hooked! The white chocolate cups are available at Whole Foods Markets and other major retailers, as well as…
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TIP OF THE DAY: Candied Chestnuts

Let us at them! Photo of marrons glacés courtesy   Oh, do we love marrons glacés, candied chestnuts. They have been a favorite confection from our first childhood bite, atop a scoop of vanilla ice cream in a fancy silver dish in the tea room of a long-departed department store. Then, relatives visiting France…
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