Bunny Pops: Rice Krispie Treats or ice cream bars. Photo courtesy Recipe.com.   How cute are these Easter Bunny Pops? They’re a creative Easter snack idea: Rice Krispie Treats on a stick. Here’s the recipe, from Recipe.com. You can also port the idea to ice cream bars: Paint bunny faces on ice cream bars (our…
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RECIPE: Colorful Beet Dip

A colorful and yummy beet dip. Photo courtesy Dole.com.   We love beets in every form: baked, Harvard, pickled, beet ravioli, steamed beats, soup (borscht is Russian beet soup), in gourmet appetizer recipes, in green salads, with goat cheese and endive…even beet ice cream (substitute beets in a strawberry ice cream recipe) and beet cake…
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TIP OF THE DAY: Malbec Red Wine For Easter

Marvelous Malbecs. Photo courtesy Trapiche Vineyards.   If you’re in charge of the wine for Easter, how about trying something new? Malbec, the signature grape of the Cahors area of southwestern France, has become the signature grape of Argentina. You’re likely to find a nice choice of Malbecs from both areas on the shelves of…
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TIP OF THE DAY: Purple Sweet Potatoes For Easter

For a festive Easter dish, look for purple potatoes. You can serve them baked, boiled with parsley, as fries, mashed or in other favorite dishes. You can make purple gnocchi and potato chips. Hash browns can become hash purples. We turn them into a red, white and blue July 4th potato salad, mixed with white…
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EASTER: Jelly Bean Chocolate Bar

Why make a decision when you can have both, our favorite thinking goes. Edward Marc Chocolatier is obviously of the same mind, with this jelly bean chocolate bar. It’s $3.50 for a 2.5-ounce bar at EdwardMarc.com. If you want to create your own jelly bean bar, head to Chocomize.com. For $4.75, you can make a…
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