RECIPE: Jewish Chicken & Matzoh Ball Soup Soup

In the 1970s, one of the most beloved subway advertising campaigns in New York City was, “You don’t have to be Jewish to love Levy’s real Jewish rye.” Each poster or print ad in the campaign featured African-Americans, Asians, choir boys Irish cops, Italian grandmothers and WASPs, enjoying a slice of the rye bread (see…
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Recipes: Blue Cocktails For A Chanukah Party

We’ve never heard of a Chanukah cocktail party, so we decided to throw one this year. The menu: Wine: red, white, sparkling Beer: Chanukah beer from Schmaltz Brewing Cocktails: blue cocktails and cocktails (recipes below) Nibbles: brisket sliders, chopped liver with bagel chips, mini bagels with cream cheese and smoked salmon, mini potato latkes with…
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TIP OF THE DAY: Challah Bread Pudding & Different Types Of Challah

Challah bread pudding, like Challah French Toast, should not be limited to Chanukah. In terms of egginess, it’s the closest thing to brioche—and much less expensive. With Chanukah starting in two weeks (this year, it coincides with Christmas Eve), you try a batch this weekend; then adjust it as you like over the eight days…
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TIP OF THE DAY: A Perfect Christmas Cocktail (& A Chanukah Cocktail, Too)

For your holiday celebrations, we propose a perfect Christmas cocktail: It’s sparkling. I can be red and green. It’s easy to make. There’s a mocktail variation.   A conventional Mimosa combines sparkling wine and orange juice (see the Mimosa history, below). Substitute cranberry juice and you’ve got the holiday version. (For a Chanukah version, use…
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GIFTS OF THE DAY: Artisan Honey, Spicy Honey

SAVANNAH BEE COMPANY ARTISAN HONEYS Anything from this wonderful company makes a great gift, including the honey beauty products. Since 2002, we’ve been avid customers. The company gathers varietal honeys: Acacia Honey Lavender Honey Orange Blossom Rosemary Honey Sourwood Honey Tupelo Honey   They’re sold in different sizes, with prices varying slightly by varietal. These…
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