FOOD FUN: Pig Biscuits

Take a bite of Babe! Photo courtesy Pillsbury.   Recently we wrote about animal-shaped sourdough loaves from Boudin Bakery in San Francisco and bunny rolls from Artisan Bread In Five Minutes. Then, we came across Pillsbury’s instructions for making animal rolls at home. The Pillsbury kitchens armed themselves with a container of Pillsbury refrigerated country…
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RECIPE: Strawberry Iced Tea

For Easter or Mother’s Day, Strawberry Iced Tea is delish! The recipe is from Shangri-La Tea Company. RECIPE: Strawberry Iced Tea 2 cups whole frozen strawberries 32 fluid ounces brewed tea 1/3 cup white sugar 1/4 cup freshly squeezed lemon juice 1/2 box fresh strawberries Mint leaves Ice   Preparation 1. BREW tea and cool…
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PRODUCT: Gimbal’s Jelly Beans

Gimbal’s Gourmet Jelly Beans. Photo by Elvira Kalviste | THE NIBBLE.   We’ve been tasting lots of jelly bean brands over the past few weeks, and have decided that our favorites are Gimbal’s. What makes them the best jelly beans? To our palate, there’s less sugar and fresh, bright, natural flavors, including real fruit juice.…
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TIP OF THE DAY: Purple Asparagus, White Asparagus

It’s spring, it’s asparagus season, and your specialty produce purveyor just may have wondrous, fresh asparagus in the non-traditional colors of purple and white. Low in calories, asparagus is a good source of folic acid, potassium, amino acids and dietary fiber. But people who love their flavor don’t always concern themselves with these details: They…
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