TIP OF THE DAY: Hearts Of Palm

Back in the day when we still seriously dieted, we created what we called a luxury salad—absolutely delicious and “luxurious” because the ingredients were relatively costly. Whenever we’re feeling diet-minded—or simply want to detox from the rich foods we eat all day, we whip one up. If you can get to a club store, artichoke…
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GIFT: Marina’s Cranberry Chutney

For a party favor, stocking stuffer or a pantry staple, to enjoy quality cranberry sauce all year long. Photo by Elvira Kalviste | THE NIBBLE.   Cranberry jelly is easy to figure out, but what is the difference between cranberry sauce and cranberry chutney? How about cranberry conserve? Cranberry relish? Cranberry Conserve is a generally…
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TIP: 12 Ways To Use Chocolate Liqueur

The craze for chocolate Martinis a few years back led many people to buy a bottle of chocolate liqueur. If you still have most of it on the shelf, finish it up this holiday season. Beyond sipping as an after dinner drink or mixing into a cocktail, what else can you do with chocolate liqueur?…
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HOLIDAY: Challah Stuffing Recipe For Thanksgivukkah

In case you’ve been off the grid, the hot holiday news this year is that for the first time in history, Thanksgiving coincides with Hanukkah. It’s been dubbed Thanksgivukkah. And it won’t happen again for another 70,000 years. So even if you’re not Jewish, think of celebrating this once-in-a-lifetime (many lifetimes, actually) double holiday by…
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TIP OF THE DAY: Thanksgiving Water

Even a glass of water can be special on Thanksgiving. Here’s a tip inspired by Ceylon Vogue tea, a NIBBLE Top Pick Of The Week (and itself a great party favor or host/hostess gift). Depending on the size of your pitcher, multiply the quantity of the ingredients below. If you plan to bring the pitcher…
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