Who couldn’t to discover that their favorite snack pastry is low in fat with half the calories? Today’s a lucky day: We’ve found delicious low fat donuts and cinnamon buns. You can have your cake and eat it too, thanks to Holey Donuts!. The secret is in the process: they use a method that takes…
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FOOD HOLIDAY: Chinese New Year Gifts

America’s chocolatiers celebrate The Year Of The Rabbit. Photo courtesy Charles Chocolates. It seems that everyone we know celebrates the Chinese New Year (lunar new year) with a Chinese banquet. Some of America’s chocolatiers have joined the festivities, creating special confections for the holiday: this year, celebrated on February 3rd.* *Chinese New Year begins according…
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TIP OF THE DAY: Correcting Too Much Salt

You’ve added too much salt. Now what? Salt server available on We use this one in THE NIBBLE test kitchen. It’s happened to all of us: too much salt inadvertently added to a recipe, making it inedible. How can you salvage your dish? With a liquid dish like soup, you can dilute it with…
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NEWS: Eat Your Berries For Health Benefits

Medical research continues to reveal that berries, which are high in antioxidants, may have profound impact on combating disease, increasing the quality of life and providing nutrition beyond basic sustenance. Studies reveal that berries have a significant impact against the diseases of aging, including cancer, cardiovascular disease, diabetes and age-related mental decline. Aside from delicious…
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TIP OF THE DAY: Gremolata

Season your food with a pinch of gremolata, a mixture of herbs and other seasonings. Photo courtesy Aunt Nellie’s. Get the soup recipe. Italy is known for its flavorful cuisine. One of the secrets is knowing how to use fresh herbs. Gremolata (alternate spelling gremolada) is a lively fresh-chopped condiment that commonly includes parsley and/other…
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