TIP OF THE DAY: Fruit Pancakes & Maple Syrup Substitutes

Some people like to serve pancakes with a garnish of berries. But at The Mission restaurant in San Diego, a creative cook embedded the fruit in the pancake itself. You can do it easily: SLICE fresh berries in 1/4-inch pieces. SPOON the pancake batter onto the griddle or pan. ADD the sliced fruit while the…
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TIP OF THE DAY: Can You Substitute Kosher Salt Or Sea Salt For Table Salt?

While salt can be ground into fine, medium or coarse textures, table salt (top) is always a fine grain, kosher salt (center) a coarser, flat grain, and sea salt anything from finely ground to naturally extra-coarse (bottom photo shows medium-coarse). Photo courtesy Saltworks.us.   Certain recipes specify kosher salt or sea salt instead of table…
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TIP OF THE DAY: Sweetened Condensed Milk

Sweetened condensed milk is cow’s milk from which the water has been removed; sugar is been added for sweetness. In parts of Asia, it’s the milk used in iced coffee and iced tea. It’s the dairy used to make Key Lime Pie—because before modern refrigeration, there were no cows in the Florida Keys and canned…
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TIP OF THE DAY: French Cheeses With American Meals

A beautiful blue: fourme d’ambert is made from pasteurized cow’s milk in Auvergne. Each wheel is formed from unpressed curds inoculated with a less spicy blue mold than that of its cousin, Roquefort. Photo courtesy Murray’s Cheese.   We have friends who are French cheese snobs. They grew up on it, they love it, and…
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