TOP PICK OF THE WEEK: Better Oats Instant Oatmeal

Do you avoid a hot bowl of instant oatmeal each day because it’s just too mushy? Do you like oatmeal but wish the instant kind were more like stovetop-cooked? Do you want an easy way to get your daily 48g of whole grain? Do you want more fiber, cancer-fighting foods, the ability to lower bad…
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TIP OF THE DAY: Red Caviar Bagel

[1] A special-occasion bagel with smoked salmon and caviar (photos © California Caviar Company). [2] A great breakfast with a great view.   For a special-occasion bagel, serve the bagel with affordable salmon caviar: It’s a no-brainer to put smoked salmon on a bagel. But how about salmon caviar? Try salmon caviar instead (or in…
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TIP OF THE DAY: Banana Split Breakfast

Replace the ice cream and whipped cream with cottage cheese and yogurt. Photo courtesy California Milk Advisory Board. For a healthy and festive breakfast, split a ripe banana, add two or three small scoops of cottage cheese and top with different flavors of yogurt and fresh fruits. Sprinkle with granola or cereal flakes and you…
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FOOD TIP OF THE DAY: Breakfast Banana Split

For a healthy and festive breakfast, split a ripe banana, add two or three small scoops of cottage cheese topped with different flavors of yogurt and different fresh fruits. Sprinkle with granola or cereal flakes and you have a delicious “banana split.” (It’s a variation on a yogurt parfait.) Or, try this recipe from Del…
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