TIP OF THE DAY: Savory Tomato Clafoutis

Clafoutis (cluh-FOO-tee) is a rustic tart, initially made with cherries in the Limousin region of south-central France, where black cherry trees abound. Today, other stone fruits and berries are also used. When other kinds of fruit are used instead of cherries—apples, berries, pears, other stone fruits including prunes—dried plums—the dish is properly called a flaugnarde…
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TIP OF THE DAY: The Pasta For Summer, Zucchini “Pasta,” Enhanced

August 8th is National Zucchini Day. Last year, we featured the Spiralizer, a gadget that started the zucchini noodle craze by making it easy to make long pasta-like strands from firm vegetables, along with a recipe for Zucchini Pasta With Crab. The concept took off in the media and in kitchens across the country. Who…
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Frittata For Dinner & A Kitchen Sink Frittata Recipe

For breakfast, lunch, or dinner, make a frittata (free-TA-ta). A frittata is an Italian-style omelet, set in the frying pan in the oven*—no folding required. We’ve been making them for years, because our omelets never looked neat enough and we had no patience to work on our technique. With an omelet, the filling ingredients are…
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TIP OF THE DAY: How To Remove Food Stains On Teeth, Hands & Fabric

If you’ve ever drunk more than a few glasses of red wine; eaten lots of beets, berries or carrot purée; you know that food can stain teeth, as well as the hands used to prepare it and the clothes worn to make or eat it. Even white wine can stain: It has both acid and…
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TIP OF THE DAY: Make A Summer Panzanella (Bread Salad)

Bread salad, like French toast and croutons, is one of those delicious foods invented by necessity: Poor people needed to get another meal from leftover bread that had gone stale. Large croutons are a main ingredient of the salad, rather than the small American-style croutons used as garnish. Panzanella, the Italian word for bread salad,…
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