TRENDS: Gastroporn, Or, How To Make Vegetables Erotic

How times change! Animal rights organization PETA has turned the other cheek. Previously, members of the organization attracted publicity by throwing red paint (signifying blood) onto fur coats. Now they’ve recalled the bet between the sun and the wind over who could get the man to take his coat off. (The wind blew and blew…
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RECIPE: Rio Star Fiesta Salad

Winter is citrus season. Grapefruit and oranges make delicious and healthy salads, and red grapefruit adds to the drama of the presentation. There’s a reduced-calorie dressing and a healthy garnish of pomegranate seeds, pumpkinseed kernels and cilantro. The Rio Star grapefruit is a very red, sweet variety that is 10 times redder than the original…
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PRODUCT REVIEW: Healthy Harvest Freshness Extender

How often do you waste food, throwing out wilted and moldy produce…and how often are you angry that you don’t have usable food in the produce bin when you go to eat that romaine, those mushrooms, those berries? According a USDA study, American households throw out 25% of the produce they purchase because it has…
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PRODUCT REVIEW: Go Appetít Cool Soup

A new alternative for healthy eating on-the-go, Cool Soup makes soup “drinkable” from a bottle at room temperature or chilled. It’s a new way to fruit and vegetables without having to chop and cook. The portable plastic bottle has a nine-month shelf life. As a snack or meal replacement, it’s high in vitamins and antioxidants,…
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TOP PICK OF THE WEEK: Scarpetta Spreads & Dips

In Italian, “fare la scarpetta” means to mop up the sauce from a plate of food with a piece of bread. It is the highest compliment one can pay to a home cook. It won’t be hard to “fare la scarpetta” with this charming line of spreads and dips from Sauces n Love, a NIBBLE…
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