Paktli Puffed Ancient Grains Snacks

One of the rewards of walking up and down long aisles at food trade shows is that you sometimes come across something totally unexpected. That was the case with Paktli Snacks, made from puffed ancient grains that are gluten-free (photos #1 through #4). Our review is below, but first, some background. The Aztec culture revered…
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New Stacy’s Pita Thins ~ Limited Edition Girl Scout Thin Mints

It might be difficult to find a Stacy’s product—Pitas Chips, Pita Thins, Bagel Chip— that isn’t delicious. But the new Girl Scout Thin Mints Pita Thins are a revelation: They’re as good as eating a Thin Mint Cookie, with far fewer calories. The recommended serving size of 16 pieces (130 calories), but 8 or even…
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Flock Chicken Chips, Chicken’s Answer To Chicharrónes

Our Top Pick Of The Week is something special for lovers of chicharrónes (fried pork rinds or cracklings), or for those who love a low carb chip but don’t eat pork*†. As with chicharrónes, Flock Foods turns seasoned strips of skin and fat and fries them to a crispy, puffy state. Fly down to the next…
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Food Fun: Raspberry Cheesecake Float Recipe For National Cheesecake Day

[1] A Raspberry Cheesecake Float for National Cheesecake Day, National Ice Cream Soda Day, or any day in between. The recipe is below The history of ice cream. > The history of the ice cream soda (float). > The history of cheesecake. > The different types of ice cream and frozen desserts.      …
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FOOD FUN: Banana Loca Banana Stuffing Gadget

[1] You can get very creative with the fillings (all photos © Banana Loca | NA Market Direct). [2] Here’s the gadget. It’s easy to use. [3] A banana filled with chocolate spread. [4] This banana is stuffed with raspberry preserves.   Banana Loca is an innovative kitchen gadget that lets you fill bananas with…
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