TIP OF THE DAY: Edamame Teriyaki

We enjoy both the flavor and the nutritional benefits of edamame. We always order a bowl at Japanese restaurants, and have bags of frozen, shelled edamame in the freezer at home. The bright green color of the boiled soybeans adds perkiness to anything from scrambled eggs to salads to mashed potatoes. You can ready almost…
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TOP PICK OF THE WEEK: Pacific Foods Organic Beans

Proust had his madeleines; we had our mother’s baked beans: made in an old-fashioned glazed ceramic crock, topped with strips of bacon. They were so good, we have never been able to eat canned baked beans—overly sweetened and one-dimensionally bland. But thanks to Pacific Natural Foods’ new line of USDA Certified Organic beans in a…
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FOOD FUN: Bear In A Blanket

Who can resist this edible bear? Photo courtesy LittleInspiration.com.   We love this brown rice bear in an omelet blanket. What a fun dinner idea for this quiet week, along with a colorful side salad. Have the kids help make it! Bear in a Blanket was created by Angie Ramirez of LittleInspiration.com, who shares yummy…
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TIP OF THE DAY: Quinoa Bar

Last month we presented a series of tips to create exciting food bars for entertaining (links below). You can do smaller versions for the family dinner table. A few days ago, we discovered a delicious and nutritious quinoa bar at Fresh&Co., a fast-casual, seasonal and organic restaurant concept for health-conscious people who care as much…
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PRODUCT: Electric Rice Cooker

The more sophisticated rice cookers double as slow cookers. Photo courtesy Blendworx.   An electric rice cooker can make fluffy, light, perfect rice every time, without the stove top mess-ups that some people encounter when trying to cook rice. You don’t have to lower the flame and watch that the water doesn’t boil over. Just…
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