TIP OF THE DAY: How To Freeze Meat

Save your investment: Freeze meat properly! Photo courtesy Allen Brothers. Do you purchase meat and toss it straight into the freezer in the flimsy packaging it came in? If so, you’re leaving it subject to freezer burn— dehydration and oxidation from the air that gets in through non-airtight packaging. Follow these steps to conserve that…
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TIP OF THE DAY: Bison, The Other Red Meat

Love your steak and burgers, but not the fat and cholesterol? Bison has less fat and fewer calories than skinless, white meat chicken! It has an elegant red meat flavor. The inelegant-looking bison produces quite the gourmet feast. Because it has so little fat, bison should be cooked rare or medium rare. Since it’s National…
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TIP OF THE DAY: Grill Safety

Grill up a storm, but avoid charring the food. Stainless steel grill basket from SurLaTable.com. Practice safe grilling: don’t char your meat and veggies. Charring does create carcinogens: PhIPs, HCAs and PAHs. Learn what these compounds are and why you should keep them out of your food. And check out 12 other tips for grill…
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PRODUCT: Looftlighter, Light My Fire

It may look like a hair curling wand, but the Looftlighter, from Swedish inventor Richard Looft, solves the aggravation many grillers face when the burning wood or charcoal has the audacity to go out. Lighter fluid is one option to restart the flames, but it has the nasty habit of flavoring the food with petroleum.…
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