Bison is an incredible red meat: sweet, juicy, and very low in fat/cholesterol (lower, in fact, than skinless chicken breast and many fish—see bison nutrition information). Bison meat is available in just about every cut that beef is. After all, cattle and bison are relatives with similar builds. But it’s precisely because there’s so…
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TIP OF THE DAY: Seasoning Steak, Cooking Steak

Season and cook steaks and chops likethe experts. Photo courtesy Allen Brothers.   Some experts advise not to season steaks and chops prior to cooking, because salt draws out moisture. Instead, they sprinkle the meat with salt when it comes off the fire. Most people season their meat prior to cooking, for flavor and to…
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RECIPE: Tomato Wellington Over Duck Confit Salad

A few months ago, we tasked our Test Kitchen chef, Eric Dantis, with creating a recipe for the Pepperidge Farm Puff Pastry Recipe Challenge. Here is his entry. With summmer corn and tomatoes only weeks away, here’s the recipe. This is a dish to make if you are looking to impress your guests: TOMATO WELLINGTON…
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TIP OF THE DAY: Thawing Meat

Grilling favorites: Defrost them correctlyfor the juciest results. Photo courtesyAllen Brothers.   May is National Barbecue Month. Millions of Americans are firing up the grill to cook burgers, steaks, franks, chicken, kebabs and other favorites. Many of us purchase meat in advance and freeze it. There are different meat thawing techniques: on the counter at…
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