NEWS: Coffee, The New Health Food?

Remember when too much coffee was bad for you? It wasn’t given to children at all because it would stunt their growth? It might be carcinogenic? Coffee may become the next health food craze. Some articles touting the antioxidants in coffee put it up there with green tea, whole grains and cruciferous vegetables. But, a…
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TRENDS: Flavor Trends For 2010?

Mintel, a leading global supplier of consumer, product and media intelligence, creates an annual list of what the hot new year’s flavors will be among American food enthusiasts (and those who make packaged products and restaurant meals for them). Here’s what Mintel predicts you’ll be enjoying in 2010, with our comments in italics: 1. Cardamom.…
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GOURMET GIVEAWAY: Bot Enhanced Water

Bot Enhanced Water is a great-tasting sweetened water without artificial sweeteners. Photo by Hannah Kaminsky | THE NIBBLE. Prefer flavored water to plain old tap water? Then this week’s Gourmet Giveaway prize, Bot Enhanced Water, is right up your alley. Bot water is an all-natural, flavored water sweetened with cane sugar. It contains no preservatives,…
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National Cream Puff Day & The History Of Cream Puffs

One might ask why the holiday-scheduling powers that be allowed January 2nd to become National Cream Puff Day. Haven’t we just finished six weeks of heavy eating? Don’t we have resolutions to diet in the New Year? Aren’t we running out of gyms? But, since it is National Cream Puff Day, a few words of…
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TIP OF THE DAY: A Better Bloody Mary

Start the new year with a new Bloody Mary recipe. Photo © S. Mario | Fotolia. January 1 is Bloody Mary Day. Sure, you can reach for your favorite mixer and a bottle of vodka. But consider if there’s a better Bloody Mary waiting for you. The world is full of them: Bloody Mary variations…
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