What Is Bavarian Cream Pie, For National Bavarian Cream Pie Day

[1] A fruit-topped Bavarian cream pie (photo © J. Java | Fotolia). [2] Bavarian Cream, or crème bavarois, is prepared in a mold and unmolded onto a serving plate (photo © Massimiliano Pieraccini | iStock Photo). [3] This layered raspberry bavarois is, from top down, raspberry bavaroise, raspberry compote, and coconut dacquoise, atop a crunchy…
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GIFT: Umami Sauce & The History Of Worcestershire Sauce

Umami sauce, an asset in the kitchen and at the table. Photo courtesy Omni Hotels.   “Umami” was a trending word in America a few years ago, a Japanese word coined in 1908 to indicate a brothy or savory taste (umai = delicious, mi = taste). Lauded as “the fifth taste” after sweet, sour, bitter…
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Homemade Tempura Recipe For National Tempura Day

[1] Shrimp tempura from CBCrabcakes.com (photo © CB Crabcakes). [2] People who resist eating veggies may be instantly converted to vegetable tempura. Here’s the recipe (photo © American Diabetes Association). [3] Kabocha squash tempura is a winner. Here’s the recipe (photo © Refugee Kitchen). [4] Mixed vegetable tempura. Here’s the recipe (photo © Heather Christo…
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Candy Corn Fudge Recipe & The History Of Candy Corn

[1] Fudge in an homage to candy corn. The recipe is below (photo and recipe © The Pampered Chef). [2] The fudge tastes better than actual candy corn (photo © Liz West | Wikipedia). [3] S’mores flavor candy corn (photo © Blair Candy Store | Amazon). [4] Caramel flavor candy corn (photo © Brach’s |…
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FOOD HOLIDAY: National Bologna Day & The History Of Bologna

[1] Bite into a bologna sandwich (photo © Francesco DiBartolo | iStock Photo). [2] Mortadella, the Italian progenitor of American bologna (photo © Heritage Foods). [3] You can tell mortadella by the pistachios (photo © Gate 74 | Pixabay). [4] Mortadella on a charcuterie board (photo © Maille Mustard).   National Bologna Day is October…
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