TIP OF THE DAY: How To Avoid Pesticides On Vegetables & Fruit

Consume fewer pesticides: download thepocket guide or app. Image courtesyFoodNews.org.   We’ve previously written about the “Dirty Dozen” and the “Clean 15,” terms that refer to how much residual pesticide is left on produce, even after you wash and/or peel it. With tempting seasonal produce entering the market, it’s time to revisit when it pays…
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What Are The Healthy Fats For Cooking & Eating?

One of the biggest misconceptions in making food choices is that all dietary fat is bad for you. Knowing the healthiest fats for cooking and eating makes food choice easy. There are two types of fat. Unsaturated fat is good for you (it helps lower LDL cholesterol, among other benefits). Saturated fat is bad for…
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TIP OF THE DAY: Almond Butter

We love peanut butter. But more and more children are being diagnosed with severe peanut allergies. The condition affects some three million Americans. In extreme cases, anaphylactic shock can be fatal within minutes. As a result, more and more schools are banning peanut products, eliminating that lunch staple, the peanut butter and jelly sandwich. But…
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PRODUCT: Bobby Sue’s Nuts

Dry roasted and seasoned, we’re hooked onBobby Sue’s “Some Like It Hot” nuts.Photo courtesy Bobby Sue’s Nuts.   A reader recently directed us to Bobby Sue’s Nuts, calling them the best nuts she’d ever had. While we’ve tried far too many brands of nuts to make that pronouncement, Bobby Sue’s is certainly up there in…
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PRODUCT: Chunky Applesauce

Grandma Hoerner’s Big Slice Applesauceis the chunkiest you’ll find. Photo byRiver Soma | THE NIBBLE.   Well, “chunky” may not be the most accurate word. Grandma Hoerner’s makes a specialty applesauce called Big Slice, because the applesauce is mostly large slices of apples, just like in a pie—but stewed to softness instead of baked. Grandma…
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