TIDBITS: The Truth About Daurade (Dorade)

Dorade, a popular fish with an identity crisis. It is variously called daurade, dorade, porgy, sea bream, tai, zeebrasem and other names. [1] Photo courtesy La Tienda. [2] Cooked with black olives (photo courtesy Payard). [3] The raw fish, with a scrumptious recipe that includes cherry tomatoes, lemon and parsley, from Plate Du Jour.  …
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NEWS: Conveyor Belt Sushi Chain Comes To U.S.

Now, your surf clam can surf over to you via conveyor belt.   Is America about to experience conveyor-belt sushi in a big way? Known as kaiten-sushi, a branch of the largest chain, Sakae Sushi, has made the leap to America (“leap” is an appropriate analogy, since the company logo is a frog on a…
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TODAY IN FOOD: It’s Surf & Turf Day

The classic Surf and Turf is a lobster tail and a filet mignon. Photo courtesy MackenzieLtd.com.   Now, we must ask: Why would anyone make Surf &Turf Day fall on February 29th? Should we celebrate this tasty holiday only once every four years? Perhaps it’s put on Leap Day because of its ostentatiousness—it is, after…
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TIP OF THE DAY: Red Caviar Hearts For Easy Valentine Hors d’Oeuvres

Take those heart-shaped cookie cutters and make heart-stopping hors d’oeuvres—or a first course—with toast, sour cream or crème fraîche and red caviar. Buy the best white bread or brioche, toast it, let the toast cool, and then cut the heart shapes. Spread with sour cream/crème fraîche, then top with one or several different red caviars:…
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TIP OF THE DAY: Types Of Smoked Salmon

February 9th is National Bagels and Lox Day. “Lox” is an old generic term that is fading away, replaced by much more complicated choices. So how does one decide among the Irish, Danish, Nova Scotia, Norwegian, Scottish and other smoked salmon contenders? They differ in saltiness, smokiness and fishiness; the only way you’ll know is…
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