TIP OF THE DAY: Wasabi Mayonnaise

Make a beautiful potato salad with Yukon Gold and Purple Peruvian potatoes. Photo © Svetlana Kolpakova | Dreamstime. You can add instant excitement to most recipes that use mayonnaise by switching regular mayo for wasabi mayonnaise. The Japanese condiment pairs easily with American foods. We’re now addicted to wasabi mayonnaise potato salad, wasabi coleslaw, wasabi…
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PRODUCT: Have Some Pangasius

Americans ate 15.8 pounds of seafood per capita in 2009, down slightly from 16 pounds in 2008, according to The National Fisheries Institute. Based on tonnage sold to consumers, foodservice and food manufacturers, 10 seafood varieties made up more than 88% of seafood consumption. And you’ve never even heard of #10! You won’t be surprised…
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VIDEO: How To Cook A Perfect Ribeye Steak

  Summer may be unofficially over, but it’s still good grilling weather. How about a delicious ribeye steak? THE NIBBLE’s video of the week, featuring Chef Elias Iglesias from Morton’s The Steakhouse, demonstrates how to grill the perfect ribeye steak, expertly seared and juicy. You’ll also learn how to touch a steak to determine if…
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PAIRING: Pizza & Rhone Wine

Red Rhone wines are great with pizza. Photo by Kelly Cline | IST. We typically enjoy a beer with pizza. But we recently attended a “pizza challenge” that pitted top Manhattan pizza makers against those from Brooklyn. First, our top pick pizzas (use these ingredients at home): Kudos to Chef Mathieu Palombino from Motorino Pizzeria…
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TIP OF THE DAY: No-Gas Beans

Some people avoid beans because of the gas they can create. Yet beans are not just tasty; they’re an important and inexpensive source of protein that has been cultivated by man for more than 7,000 years. Oxygen magazine’s new book, Pick It Kick It, offers this tip: Soak beans for several hours or overnight in…
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