TOP PICK OF THE WEEK: Sprinkles Cupcake Mix

In greater Los Angeles, home to Sprinkles Cupcakes,* there is the usual discussion board controversy. You’ll read everything from they’re “the best there is” to “avoid at all costs.” We only know Sprinkles cupcakes from their mixes. We’ve made every one, and we stand firmly with “the best there is” crowd. Maybe your homemade cupcakes…
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PRODUCT: Wine Cellar Sorbet For Christmas Dinner

There’s still time to have Wine Cellar Sorbet at your Christmas dinner—as a palate-cleanser between courses or a light dessert for adults who still want something sweet but have no room for anything else. Yes, the sorbets are for grown-ups: They are 5% alcohol and are distinctly—and delightfully—alcoholic. You need to order by midnight tonight…
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