TIP OF THE DAY: Produce Selection Tips ~ How To Pick The Best Fruits & Vegetables

Nature gives us much fresh produce in the summer, but selecting perfectly ripe fruits and vegetables isn’t always second nature to us. There is no uniform rule for choosing the best. Some produce should be stored in the fridge, others not. Sometimes a bit of stem attached is a good sign, sometimes not. And so…
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FOOD FUN: Perfect Bacon Bowl

If everything tastes better with bacon—as many Americans would have it—than everything tastes better in a bacon bowl. That’s what the manufacturers of Perfect Bacon Bowl say. While we might not want to toss fruit salad or ice cream into one, we do agree that a bowl made of 100% crisp bacon is great for:…
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GIFT OF THE DAY: Chocolate Peppermint Whoopie Pies

The ubiquitous whoopie pie has been transformed into something exciting by WannaHavaCookie. Each handmade sandwich of moist cake and buttercream is a pillow of comfort, and every batch is hand-baked to order. Beyond the delicious flavor combinations, there’s another benefit: the smaller size. You can enjoy a snack-size whoopie pie without the calories of a…
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GIFTS: Cake Pops Book & Cake Pops To Buy

We are, unabashedly, crazy for cake pops. Ever since we first discovered them in 2007 and made them a Top Pick Of The Week, cake pops have been our favorite party cake. That they’re delightful food-on-a-stick is one reason. That they’re very festive is another. They can be glamorous or adorable, depending on the occasion.…
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TIP OF THE DAY: Try Eating Persimmons

Not a tomato: it’s a Fuyu persimmon (photo © J. Irkaejc | iStock Photo).   It’s a bright, glossy orange color, celebrating Halloween and fall. It’s nutritious, with almost 72% of the Daily Value of vitamin A (from all that beta carotene that makes it so orange), about 25% DV of fiber, more than 21%…
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