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PRODUCT: Deli-Style Sandwich Wrap

We have a new favorite sandwich wrap.

Tumaro’s, the first company to introduce flavored tortillas, has added New York Deli Style Wraps to its line of gourmet tortillas and wraps.

The five flavors are inspired by New York deli breads: Rye, Pumpernickel, Sour Dough, Everything and Cracked Pepper.

The wraps are rolling out now to both mainstream and specialty markets nationwide. A four-pack retails for $2.99 to $3.99.

The extra-large, 10″ wraps are 96% fat-free, cholesterol-free and high in fiber. And they’re a caloric bargain:

Tumaro’s New York Deli Style Wraps range from 80-100 calories per wrap. A sandwich uses two slices of bread, adding up to 140-240 calories. Bagels, depending on the size, can range from about 215 calories for a small bagel to almost three times that.

We appreciate that that the wraps are thin and flexible—easy to fold. All the flavors are delicious, but Pumpernickel and Rye provide authentic “deli sandwich” flavor. Cracked Pepper offers a nice burst of pepper that works especially well for a scrambled egg wrap.

Our new favorite wraps, Tumaro’s New York
Deli-Style Wraps. Photo by River Soma |
  • Find more of our favorite breads, plus recipes, in our Gourmet Breads Section.
  • See all the different types of bread in our Bread Glossary.

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    PRODUCT: Royal Wedding Cookie Tin

    The official engagement photo. The smiles
    must be for the shortbread. Photo
    courtesy Walkers Shortbread.

      If you have a crush on Prince William, want to dress like Kate Middleton or are simply an Anglophile, you might also like a limited edition Royal Wedding Commemorative Tin filled with Walkers Shortbread.

    The wedding is April 29th and the commemorative tin will be released on April 12th, but you can beat the crowds by pre-ordering on

    The 15.8 oz. collectible tin is $22.95. The cover is blue and gold, framing the official engagement photo of the happy couple. The back of the tin features images of two places of great significance to them: Westminster Abbey, where they will be married, and Clarence House (former home of the Queen Mother), which will be the London residence for the prince and princess.

    Order yours today. The limited edition may sell out quickly.

  • Find our favorite cookies, recipes and tips in our Gourmet Cookie Section.


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    TIP OF THE DAY: Spring Picnic Under The Blossoms (Hanami)

    The annual Cherry Blossom Festival will be held in Washington, D.C. beginning this Saturday, March 26th through April 20th.

    This is the trees’ 99th anniversary. In 1912, the Committee of Japanese Residents of New York donated two thousand Japanese Flowering Cherry trees to New York City. Most of them were planted in our nation’s capital as a symbol of friendship between the two countries.

    Breathtaking white and pink flowers blossom for a month each spring. In Japan, people picnic and drink saké under the flowering trees—a practice known as hanami, which began in the eighth century.

    If you have a cherry tree (or other flowering tree), lucky you! If not, you can grow your own (buy them from Of course, it will take some time before you can hold your own hanami under the blossoms.

    Otherwise, seek out a flowering tree near you and plan ahead for a picnic (or just a snack). Get ready for the next warm day and prepare to enjoy the fresh air and the blossoms.

    A beautiful grove of blossoming Japanese
    cherry trees. Photo courtesy
    By the way, the Japanese cherry tree bears no fruit. However, look forward to fresh cherries from June through August.

  • Learn more about the Cherry Blossom Festival at
  • All about cherries: history, facts and trivia. For example, each cherry tree produces about 7,000 cherries per season.

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    TOP PICK: Gourmet Vegan For Everyone, Plus Flexitarians, Pescatarians, & Others

    Delicious Vegan Ginger Chicken. Photo
    courtesy Vegetarian Plus.

      If you’re not already a flexitarian, pescatarian or vegetarian, a vegan diet may seem extreme. Give up all animal products, including dairy, eggs and honey?

    If that sounds like too much sacrifice, you should still consider choosing it for a day or two each week. It’s not only healthy, but it’s also painless. Just browse through a vegan cookbook and see all the delicious things you can have—from chili, pasta, and stir-frys to hummus, tabbouleh and many other global favorites.

    Typically, people adopt the vegan lifestyle for compassionate reasons, wishing no harm to animals.

    But concerned environmentalists have joined in as well, on the grounds that the planet’s livestock are the number one contributor to global warming.*

    If you feel compassion for animals or for the planet, the international recipes from Vegetarian Plus frozen entrées are so delicious that eating vegan one or two days a week is a snap—no cooking required (a microwave is not “cooking”).

    The Vegan Ginger Chicken, Kung Pao Chicken, Orange Chicken, Chicken Tikka Masala and Lamb Vindaloo are so good that we prefer them to alternatives with real meat.

    Read the full review and promise yourself that you’ll try them. The review also contains a list of vegan celebrities. Would you believe that Mike Tyson is a vegan?


    In alphabetical order:

    A flexitarian is a person who eats mainly vegetarian food, but makes occasional exceptions for social, pragmatic, cultural or nutritional reasons. Flexitarians may occasionally eat meat and/or other animal products. According to the Vegetarian Research Group, about 3% of American adults are true vegetarians who say they never eat meat, fish or poultry. But at least 10% of adults consider themselves vegetarians, even though they eat fish or chicken occasionally.

    A pescatarian or pesco-vegetarianism follows a diet that includes fish or other seafood, but not the flesh of other animals. Most pescetarians maintain a lacto-ovo vegetarian (see below) diet with the addition of fish and shellfish.

    Vegetarians don’t eat meat or other animal products. There are different degrees of vegetarianism.

  • The vegan is a total vegetarian who will eat only foods from plants: fruits, vegetables, grains, legumes (dried beans and peas), nuts and seeds. Vegans will not eat any animal by-products, including honey, lard, gelatin or cochineal, a food coloring.
  • Lactovegetarians eat plant foods plus cheese and other dairy products, but exclude red meat, poultry, fish and eggs.
  • Ovo-lactovegetarians (also called lacto-ovovegetarians) exclude all of those items except eggs. Semi-vegetarians do not eat red meat but will eat chicken and fish along with dairy products and eggs. (Source:
    If you eat everything, you’re an omnivore.

    And there’s more! Our December 2022 updates have an environmental focus:

  • A climatarian is someone who eats sustainably: a climate-friendly, nature-friendly, and healthy diet. It implies less packaging waste and more recyclable packaging as well.
  • A regenivore is someone who wants food from companies that are actively healing the planet. Beyond simply sustaining the environment, the focus is on carbon-reducing agriculture, more rigorous animal welfare policies, and equitable treatment of the people who grow and process food.

    *Manure produces methane, a greenhouse gas. Cow belching is another culprit. There is more global warming from methane than from vehicles that burn gasoline.


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    PRODUCT: Hot Chocolate On A Stick

    It’s March 21st—the first full day of spring—and it’s snowing in our Mid-Atlantic burg of New York City.

    Time for some hot chocolate!

    We just tried Hot Chocolate On A Stick from The Ticket Kitchen of San Francisco. A high-quality block of chocolate is molded onto a stick and you stir the stick in a cup of hot milk until it becomes hot chocolate.

    This is not for the impatient. The chocolate doesn’t melt quickly (and in two tries we couldn’t get it to melt entirely, either). But that’s the fun of it—as well as tasting your hot chocolate at numerous different degrees of chocolatiness as more chocolate melts into the milk.

    The French couverture chocolate is very good. So if you get tired of stirring or waiting for the chocolate to melt, eat it like a lollipop.

    If you’re looking for a special party activity or a treat for kids, this is different and fun.

    Chocolate On A Stick can also be a special party favor or gift. You can download a customizable label template to mark festive occasions (a baby shower, for example).


    Stir in a cup of hot milk and you’ve got hot
    chocolate. Photo by Stephanie Faye | The
    Ticket Kitchen.


    We only tried the French dark chocolate, but we’re intrigued by the Three-Chili, which blends ancho, cayenne and chipotle chiles into the chocolate for a hot-and-hotter effect.

    But, with all the couverture chocolate we have around here, we’re first going to try to make our own chocolate-on-a-stick in an ice cube tray—some with mini marshmallows, some with fresh mint leaves (seems like we’ve got a lot of that, too).

  • Hot Chocolate Extravaganza: Reviews of more than 65 hot chocolate brands.
  • Terminology and the difference between hot chocolate and cocoa.
  • Try ‘em all: 25 variations you can make with hot chocolate.

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