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The Difference Between Muenster & Munster Cheese + Cheese Dip

On April 7th, National Beer Day, we made a recipe called Pub Crawl Muenster Dip (photo #1). We don’t have any pub crawl experience, but we liked the idea of melted cheese with dippers—a.k.a. fondue with an American twist. We ended up with this rather long article on the difference between muenster and Munster cheese. If you want an education, here it is! If not, jump to the recipe.

This muenster cheese dip recipe, made with beer, was a good choice for National Beer Day—and for any of the 30+ additional beer holidays.

Before we get to the recipe, we’re using today as an opportunity to discuss America’s muenster cheese (with an “e”) versus France’s Munster cheese (named for a town with no “e”).

We’ll also clarify some facts about a warm cheese dip versus fondue. First, the simple part:

The Recipe

Fondue is a warm cheese dip: cheese melted with wine, seasonings, and a bit of flour or cornstarch and served with numerous types of dippers: bread, fruit, meat, seafood, and vegetables (photo #2). The name comes from the French verb fondre, to melt.

If you compare a cheese fondue recipe with the warm cheese dip recipe below, you’ll see that they’re very much alike.

  • Fondue, usually made with wine, can be made with beer, like the cheese dip recipe.
  • Any type of melting cheese (i.e., a cheese that melts well) can be used. The type of cheese, the seasonings, and even the alcohol vary greatly by region in France and Switzerland.

    How do you eat that warm, melted cheese?

  • The French access fondue with a long, thin fondue fork. Just spear whatever dippers have been provided with a fondue fork, and dip it into the pot of cheese fondue. (Ditto with chocolate fondue.)
  • In the U.S., the dippers are handheld: a piece of bread, a carrot stick, e.g.—and swiped through the bowl or pot of dip.
    So enjoy the Pub Crawl Muenster Dip, and if your crowd is more chic, call it beer fondue.

    > Fondue history.

    > 20 cheese fondue recipes.

    > Fondue dippers.

    > Fondue vs. fonduta.

    > Chocolate fondue.

    Muenster, spelled with an “e,” is an American† cheese that sounds like a Munster, a cheese from Alsace, in northeastern France.

    Before we can understand American muenster (the section is below), as are food, wine and beer pairings with both types of Munster, we need to understand Alsatian Munster.

    Alsatian Munster is an ancient cheese, a semisoft, washed-rind cow’s milk cheese, that becomes very strong and aromatic as it ages (here’s more about washed rind cheeses). It’s traditionally flavored with cumin. (Munster flavored with caraway seeds can be found today but purists eschew it.)

    Munster (photos #4, #5, and #6) has been made since the 7th century in the upper Munster Valley in the Vosges Mountains of Alsace, France (photo #14).

    In the 7th century, Irish Benedictine monks established an abbey in the Vosges mountains of France. They did not eat meat on fasting days: a strong cheese was the stand-in.

    The village that grew up around the abbey became known as Munster, from monasterium, the Latin word for monastery (photo #15). The cheese was well-favored by the locals, and the monks taught the peasants how to make it. It brought needed income to the townspeople.

    Many think Munster is a German cheese, named the German city of Münster. However, the Alsatian town of Munster (photo #13) is clearly the source of Munster cheese’s name [source].

    Munster is located in the heart of Alsace (photo #15), in one of the largest and most beautiful valleys (Munster Valley, formerly known as the Flecht Valley) on the Alsatian side of the Hautes-Vosges.

    By the Middle Ages, the village had grown. The people had freed themselves from the authority of the monastery and formed alliances with neighboring towns including Gérardmer, which lay across the Fecht Valley to the west in what is now the region of Lorraine. They called their cheese Géromé, which means “from [the town of] Gérardmer” in the local dialect.

    The production of Munster cheese spread throughout the region, which gradually became an important business center [source [PDF]).

    In the 18th century, dairy farmers imported what are now called Vosgienne cows from Scandanavia. The milk of the breed is known for the high protein content of their milk. Even better, the robust animals can travel over the rockiest terrain, and are well suited to the difficult conditions of mountain breeding.
    Munster Vs. Munster-Géromé

    As just noted, the same cheese is made on both sides of the Vosges Mountains, one production center in Munster, Alsace, producing the cheese called Munster, the other production center in Gérardmer, Lorraine, producing the cheese called Géromé.

    Munster cheese gained its A.O.C. status in 1969 (Appellation d’Origine Contrôlée)‡. In 1978, the A.O.C. granted the protection to Géromé cheese as well, and united the two names under the A.O.C. name Munster-Géromé.

    With the formation of the E.U., the certification changed to P.D.O. (Protected Designation of Origin) across E.U. members and the U.K.

    In the case of Munster-Géromé cheeses, the P.D.O. guarantees authenticity, and dictates, among other things, that the cheese is made from raw (not pasteurized) cow’s milk, using specific techniques and aging requirements, in a designated geographical area.

    The minimum aging time is three weeks before release; ten weeks is more common. In the case of Petit Munster, the minimum aging time is two weeks [source].

    The unpasteurized (raw) milk from the Vosgienne cows is curdled and the curds are formed into disks that are approximately 5 inches to 7.5 inches in diameter and 1 to 3 inches high. Alsatian Munsters are made in sizes ranging from 4 ounces (Petit Munster) to 3 pounds.

    The disks are washed (i.e., rubbed by hand) with brine and Brevibacterium linens (B. linens) bacteria, which create the intense, pungent aroma of the mature cheese.

    They are washed a number of times over the course of five weeks and kept in a damp cellar to encourage the bacteria to grow [source]. The rind turns reddish-orange from the repeated washings.

    They then go into a cave (maturing room) where they are placed on straw made from rye stalks and acquire some rind flora from the more mature cheeses in the cave.

    Maturation takes 4 to 6 weeks for small disks and 2 to 3 months for larger, thicker cheeses. (Cheeses continue to mature past their peak ripeness. A Munster will grow even more pungent.)

    The mild, pale paste of the young cheese turns a creamy gold and more complex and savory: beefy and garlicky, buttery and sometimes mushroomy.

  • Young Munsters have a pinkish-white rind. The paste‡‡ is pale cream in color, firm, and smooth yet slightly brittle—not the creamy paste it will become. The flavor has character but is mild.
  • As Munster ages, the rind developes a sticky surface and an assertive, pungent aroma (photos #4, #5, and #6). The bacterial activity on the rind transforms the texture into a moist and supple, semisoft paste. The color of the paste becomes more golden (photo #6). The flavors are very rich, smooth, and slightly tangy on the finish [source].
    Modern Munster

    The cheese is not exactly as it was in the 7th century. The first major change came with the Vosgienne cattle in the 18th century. That change was good.

    But, as in much of the first world, agricultural policy at the end of World War II became focused on mass production, and the Vosgienne breed of cattle was compatible with mass production. The herds began to be eliminated, in favor of more productive breeds.

    There are now two types of Alsatian Munster:

  • Mass-produced industriel cheese, made with pasteurized milk of non-Vosgienne cows. These are not qualified to be an A.O.C. cheese. Industriel Munster don’t develop the penetrating taste or smell of the P.D.O. fermier cheese. (The term for industriel in the U.S. is factory cheese.)
  • Fermier or coopérative cheese made by artisans in the traditional way, with raw milk from Vosgienne cows. This is today’s P.D.O. Munster, and is the cheese to look for if you want an authentic Munster experience. (The term for these cheeses in the U.S. is farmhouse or farmstead cheese, and the term artisan cheese is also used.)
    In the 1970s, with only 3,000 heads of Vosgienne cattle remaining, a plan was launched to protect the breed. There are only thirty or so breeders with pure herds [source].

    The lion’s share of Munster produced is industriel. Only a few farms still make Fermier cheese.

    While we’ve seen that the origin of Munster traces back to the Middle Ages, muenster, the American relative, was created in the 19th century.

    French immigrants to Wisconsin set out to make Munster—they spelled it muenster. They tried to make the Munster cheese from Alsace, but it didn’t turn out to be the same cheese.

    Instead of B. linens bacteria to color (and flavor) the rind, muenster rind gets its color from annatto, the natural vegetable dye that gives many Cheddars their familiar orange hue.

    They didn’t age the cheese either—likely also due to the need to eat it and sell it.

    The result was a mild cheese that did have the same semi-soft texture. Its distinctive red-orange rind is from annatto natural vegetable dye, rather than the benevolent bacteria.

    American muenster starts with pasteurized whole cow’s milk. The milk is partially skimmed, heated, then has rennet and bacteria added.

    As with many cheeses, when the milk is curdled, the curd is cut, the whey is drained away, and the curd is put in rectangular “brick” molds. The molds are let stand for 24 hours. Then, the cheeses are turned out of their molds, and aged for 5 to 7 weeks.

    As a result, its flavor is very mellow with a pleasing tang, somewhat like a Monterey Jack. It was, and is, very popular for sandwiches and subsequent uses like burgers, which evolved around the same time (the history of the hamburger). See the food-and-beverage pairings section below).

    Many countries now make Munster-type factory cheeses—notably Germany, the Scandinavian countries, and the U.S. They can’t use the name Munster, which is P.D.O. protected, so they use muenster or other designation.

    One of these cheeses is Finlandia—the brand which inspired this article of Munster vs. muenster (photo #11).

    German Münster is closest to the original (as is the Austrian Munster in photo #6).

    We love to dip soft pretzel bites or cut-up pieces of standard soft pretzels (photo #17) plus crudités into the velvety cheese dip. Finlandia, which created this recipe, also recommends toasted rye triangles.

    In fact, this warm cheese dip is pretty much the same recipe as cheese fondue.

    So if you have a fondue pot or brazier, now’s the time to dig it out of the closet. Don’t forget the fondue forks (if you have skewers, they’ll work, too).

    Finlandia notes that when the warm dip is chilled, it becomes a spread for bread or crackers. Let us add: the warm dip is also nice as a sauce over potatoes, cooked vegetables, grains, and chicken.
    Beer note: If you don’t have lager but have another style of beer, feel free to substitute.

    Prep time is 30 minutes. Makes about 2 cups.
    Ingredients For 8 Servings

  • 2 tablespoons unsalted butter
  • ¼ cup thinly sliced scallions (green onion)
  • ¾ teaspoon minced garlic
  • 3 tablespoons all-purpose flour
  • ½ cup whole milk
  • 1 cup lager
  • 1 teaspoon ground mustard powder
  • 1 teaspoon granulated sugar
  • 1 teaspoon Worcestershire sauce
  • ½ teaspoon fine salt
  • ⅛ teaspoon finely-ground black pepper
  • Cayenne pepper, to taste
  • 16 ounces munster cheese†
  • Dippers: bread, crackers, cruditeé, pretzels, sliced sausage

    1. HEAT the butter in a 4-quart saucepot over medium heat just until melted. Add the sliced scallions and minced garlic. Stirring often with a wooden spoon, slowly cook until soft, about 2 minutes.

    2. IMMEDIATELY SPRINKLE in the flour. Continue to cook and stir over medium heat until the flour mixture is lightly browned and smells like baked piecrust, about 1-2 minutes.

    3. REDUCE the heat slightly, slowly whisk in the milk, and then lager, a little at a time, stirring well to remove lumps between each addition.

    4. WHISK in the mustard powder, sugar, Worcestershire sauce, salt, black pepper, and cayenne pepper. Increase heat, and simmer until the flour is cooked and the sauce is velvety, about 5-8 minutes. Stir and scrape the sides and bottom of the pot constantly.

    5. REDUCE the heat and add the cheese about ½ cup at a time, stirring constantly, and waiting until each batch is fully melted before adding the next.

    6. REMOVE from the heat. Serve immediately with toasted rye bread triangles, pretzel bites, sausage, or sliced vegetables.

    Both Alsatian Munster and American muenster are delicious in sandwiches, including burgers, cold cuts, and grilled cheese; melted in other recipes such as cheese sauce, sliced into salads, and on a cheese or charcuterie plate.

    American muenster is commonly melted into macaroni and cheese and used in quesadillas. You can use it in quiche.

    Muenster slices neatly into cubes for snacks and skewers (photo #9). For a sweet snack, we especially like apple slices and a drizzle of honey.


    [1] This warm cheese dip (recipe below) is very close related to fondue—photo #2 (photo © Finlandia Cheese).

    [2] Cheese fondue with salame and soft pretzels (photo © iGourmet).

    [3] Petit Munster refers to disks that are about 4.4 ounces (125g). There are also larger disks (photos #3, #4, #5 © iGourmet).

    [4] You can see the reddish-orange color of the washed rind.

    [5] A great snack with beer. Add gherkins, crackers, even sliced salami or dry-cured (hard) sausage.

    [6] Edwin’s Munster is produced in Austria, in the style of Alsatian Munster (photo © Artisanal Cheese).

    [7] It’s easy to spot the difference between Alsatian Munster and American muenster. Muenster is made in rectangular bricks, Munster is made in round disks (photo © Pearl Valley Cheese).

    [8] At the store, the log is cut down into smaller rectangles, or shaved into slices (photo © Cugini Cafe).

    [9] The smooth consistency of muenster makes it easy to cube for snacking and horse d’oeuvre (photo © Pondereosa Farmstead).

    [10] It’s easy to slice the brick of cheese at the deli counter (photo © Shisler’s Cheese House).

    [11] Several brands, like Finlandia, sell pre-sliced muenster (photo © Finlandia Cheese).

    [12] The bricks of muenster can also be sliced into wedges (photo © Wisconsin Cheese).

    [13] Back to Europe: A view of the town of Munster in the Grand Est department of France, an administrative region (like an American state) in Northeastern France. It superseded three former administrative regions, Alsace, Champagne-Ardenne and Lorraine, in 2016 (photo © Italian Kiwi).

    [14] Here’s the location of the Grand Est department of France, which includes the Munster-making areas of Alsace and Loraine (photos #14 and #15 courtesy Wikipedia).

    [15] The town of Munster.

    Samuel Adams Boston Lager
    [16] For the recipe: Use your favorite lager or other beer (photo © Samuel Adams).

    Pretzel Bites Recipe
    [17] One of the things we like to serve with cheese dip or fondue: soft pretzel bites (photo © King Arthur Baking).

    Also for snacking, both types of cheese pair well with fruits, and alone or with other cheeses at an end-of-dinner cheese course. Add apples, grapes, pears, strawberries, and/or dried fruits, for starters.

    Alsatian Munster

    If you’re a potato and cheese lover try Alsatian Munster with potatoes boiled in their skins (or baked potatoes, if you will) and a sprinkling of caraway seeds and finely chopped onions. Add a green salad. That’s one way Alsatians enjoy it.

    Not surprisingly, Munster is a popular cheese course in Alsace, especially after a meal based on sausage and choucroute (Alsatian sauerkraut). Don’t forget the mustard!

    If you have a Petit Munster (a small round—photos #9 and #10), you can bake it like a Brie and serve it warm and melty with crusty bread or fancy crackers.

    Beer & Wine Pairings

  • Beer: Belgian ales, brown and pale ales, lagers (including pilsners), and dark porters and stouts all go well with muenster. The same work for Alsatian Munster.
  • Wine: American muenster pairs well with a variety of reds (Beaujolais, Merlot, Pinot Noir, Zinfandel) and dry to sweet whites (Chardonnay, Grüner Veltliner, Pinot Blanc, Pinot Gris, Pinot Grigio, Riesling).
  • Alsatian Munster likes a Gewürtztraminer or Riesling, which help to tame the earthiness, as well as Chardonnay, Jurançon (dry or sweet), Pinot Blanc, Pinot Noir, Sangiovese, or other full-bodied red.
  • If you’re having the cheese at the end of the meal, serve it with a dessert wine like Moscato, Sauternes, Tokaji, even Port.

    > The different types of cheese.

    > The history of cheese.


    *The area that is now Alsace was conquered by the Roman legions of Julius Caesar in the 1st century B.C.E. Fast forwarding to recent history, starting from the mid-17th century, the region of Alsace has been fought over between France and Germany and changed hands for centuries. The area of Alsace-Lorraine was originally French. But at the end of the Franco-German War (1870–1871), Alsace was detached from France and annexed to the German Empire. Alsace–Lorraine reverted to French ownership in 1918 as part of the Treaty of Versailles after Germany’s defeat in World War I. Here’s more about it.

    †Finlandia used 19 of their Muenster Imported Slices, slightly under 14 ounces.

    †It is also made in other countries.

    ‡A.O.C. is a certification of authenticity granted to certain butters, cheeses, wines, and other agricultural products, under the auspices of the Institut National de l’Origine et de la Qualité (INAO), to protect the reputation of France’s revered products. It is based upon the terroir and the time-honored procedures by which a product is produced. It is form of geographic protectionism—e.g., only blue cheeses from the commune of Roquefort-sur-Soulzon can be called Roquefort.

    ‡‡The paste is the interior portion of the cheese, i.e., that which is beneath the rind.




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    Marinated Cherry Tomatoes Recipe For Fresh Tomato Day

    [1] Turn cherry or grape tomatoes into a marinated salad. In the summer, you can find heirloom cherry tomatoes as in this photo (photo © Colavita Recipes).

    Vidalia Onions
    [2] We love onion in a tomato salad. You can use red onion, but the sweeter styles like Vidalia blend in effortlessly (photo © Vidalia Onions | Facebook).

    [3] Caperberries (in photo) or the smaller capers* add a briny tang (photo Elvira Kalviste | © The Nibble).


    April 6th is National Fresh Tomato Day, but alas, the best tomatoes are not in season—in the northern hemisphere, at least. Fortunately, cherry tomatoes from Florida are available year-round, and have a better texture you can turn them into this simple yet tasty marinated cherry tomatoes recipe.

    You can serve the marinated tomatoes:

  • As a breakfast side with eggs, waffles and bacon, or grits.
  • For lunch or dinner, as a side salad, atop a green salad, or in a lettuce cups.
  • With an antipasto plate or Greek mezze.
  • With a cheese course, a cheese plate or charcuterie plate.
    National Tomato Day is June 1st. April is National Florida Tomato Month. October is National Tomato Month.

    > The history of tomatoes.

    > Off-season tomato substitutes.

    > How to make bland tomatoes taste better.

    > Why the tomato is a fruit, not a vegetable.

    We adapted this recipe from one by Colavita Recipes. You can marinate the tomatoes and refrigerate them for up to two days before serving.

    This recipe is easy to build on. You can add sliced Vidalias or other sweet onions. You can toss in mixed olives.

    You can even add perle or perline, the smallest mozzarella balls (or one of larger bite sizes).

    Even sweet or dill gherkins would work. Check your fridge and pantry to see what awaits.

    Ingredients For 3-4 Sides

  • ¼ cup finely chopped shallots
  • 1 tbsp chopped fresh tarragon
  • 2 tbsp balsamic vinegar
  • 4 teaspoons extra virgin olive oil
  • 2 cups heirloom tomatoes, halved or quartered depending on size
  • ¼ teaspoon salt
  • ¼ teaspoon fresh-ground black pepper
  • Optional: sliced sweet or red onions to taste
  • Optional: capers or caperberries*, olives

    1. PLACE the sliced tomatoes and optional ingredients in a medium bowl. Sprinkle with salt and pepper.

    2. COMBINE the shallots, tarragon, oil, and vinegar in a small bowl and whisk to emulsify. Drizzle over the tomato mixture and toss gently to combine.

    3. ALLOW the flavors to meld for 1 hour or more before serving.

    *Capers and caperberries: the difference. Capers are the flower bud of the caper bush, also called Flinders rose. The larger caperberries are the fruit with their seeds inside. Both are brined before they are packed in jars, and thus contribute tangy saltiness as well as flavor to dishes.






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    Dolce Habanero Cheese, Sweet & Spicy, From Mozzarella Company

    There are sweet cheeses, accented with fruit. There are spicy cheeses, blended with chiles. And then there’s Dolce Habanero cheese, Mozzarella Company’s artisan cheese that combines both (photo #1).

    Dolce Habanero blends sweet dried apricots and firey habanero chiles into a semisoft cow’s milk cheese, perfect for snacking or cooking.

    For a cheese plate or a dessert cheese, Dolce Habanero delivers a creamy sensation, then a pleasant sweetness, and finally, exciting fire!

    You can melt it into mac and cheese or risotto, onto a grilled cheese sandwich, and in the breading for baked chicken or fish.

    > Head to Mozzarella Company to buy Dolce Habanero online, and find retailers that sell it.

    > You can also buy two wonderful cheese cookbooks by the company’s founder, Paula Lambert (photos #3 and #4).

  • 4 large skinless, boneless chicken breasts(1 1/2 pounds total)
  • Salt, to taste
  • Freshly ground black pepper, to taste
  • 1/4 cup unbleached all-purpose flour
  • 2 eggs, lightly beaten
  • 1 cup fresh bread crumbs made from dense, homestyle bread (about 3 slices)
  • 4 ounces Dolce Habanero cheese, crumbled (1 cup)
  • 2 teaspoons minced fresh thyme leaves
  • 1/2 teaspoon freshly grated lemon zest
  • 2 to 4 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil
  • Garnish: 8 fresh thyme sprigs
  • Garnish: 1 lemon, thinly sliced

    1. COMBINE the bread crumbs, Dolce Habanero, thyme, and lemon zest on a plate or wax paper and set aside.

    2. PREHEAT the oven to 350°F and lightly oil a baking pan large enough to hold the chicken in one layer.

    3. WASH and clean the chicken. Pat dry with paper towels. Season the breasts well with salt and pepper.

    4. PLACE the flour on a plate or waxed paper and place the beaten eggs in a shallow bowl. Dredge each chicken breast in the flour, shaking off any excess. Then dip the chicken in the egg, and next into the bread crumb mixture. Be sure to evenly coat the chicken at each step.

    5. PLACE the breasts on the pan. Divide any remaining crumbs equally among the breasts, patting them onto the surface. Place in the oven and bake for 15 minutes.

    6. REMOVE and drizzle or brush the olive oil onto the bread-crumb crust. Return to the oven and cook for 15 to 25 minutes, or until the breasts are golden brown.

    7. REMOVE from the oven and allow the breasts to rest for a few minutes To serve, place on a serving platter and garnish with thyme sprigs and lemon slices.

    Recipe copyright © 2000 by Paula Lambert, Cheese Lover’s Cookbook & Guide, all rights reserved


    > The history of cheese.
    > The different types of cheese.


    [1] Dolce Habanero cheese: sweet from apricots, spicy from habanero chiles (photos #1, #3 and #4 © Mozzarella Company).

    [2] Crumbled Dolce Habanero is blended with breadcrumbs and seasonings (photo © Schwans).

    [3] Paula Lambert’s first cookbook features 150 delicious recipes using a variety of cheeses, plus cheese history and a cheese guide.

    [4] Seventy-five more tempting recipes. The cookbooks and cheese are available at






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    Spaghetti Carbonara Recipe & More Recipes For National Carbonara Day

    [1] This chef created a dramatic “shower” of guanciale instead of mixing it in with the spaghetti (photo © Rob Wicks | Unsplash).

    [2] This homemade version uses bucatini, wide spaghetti with a hole in the middle. The style was created for velvety pasta sauces like cacio e pepe and carbonara, to allow sauce to fill the hollow center and deliver more sauce with each bite (photo © Louis Mornaud | Unsplash).

    [3] Carbonara topped with a poached egg? Not if you’re a purist (photo © Skinny Taste | DeLallo).

    [4] This vegetarian carbonara replaces the bacon with julienned zucchini, chives and burrata. Here’s the recipe. But if you want a vegetarian dish, why not make Pasta Primavera instead, or name this recipe something other than carbonara (photos #4, #5 and #6 © DeLallo)?

    [5] This recipe, called mushroom carbonara, has no bacon (it’s vegetarian) but does have the classically-verboten butter, olive oil, garlic, and onions.

    [6] Carbonara nests. Here’s the recipe.


    For National Carbonara Day (a.k.a. International Carbonara Day), April 6th, we begin our presentation of this Spaghetti Carbonara recipe with a disclaimer: Carbonara purists will agree only that the Spaghetti Carbonara recipe that follows is authentic carbonara. The additional carbonara recipes below are not.

    (In Italy, the dish is called Spaghetti alla Carbonara.)

    > The classic recipe is below.

    Their rule is that, in addition to the pasta, only five other ingredients are permitted in a carbonara: bacon, cheese, egg, salt, and pepper. They slice the debate further:

  • Is the bacon guanciale or pancetta?
  • Is the pasta spaghetti or bucatini (photo #2)? In Rome, rigatoni is a tradition.
  • Is the cheese pecorino or Parmigiano Reggiano?
  • Do you use just the egg yolk, or can you include the white?
    The purest of the purists will choose the first of each option above.

    Garlic and onions? Sheesh!

    Olive oil? Nope; the bacon fat will suffice.

    Cream? Never—that’s Fettuccine Alfredo.

    How about those poached eggs atop the spaghetti (photo #3)? Mamma mia!

    The egg whites (when used) serve to combine with the starch in the pasta water to add viscosity to the sauce, while the yolks add richness and flavor.

    In sum: a truly authentic carbonara mixes spaghetti with guanciale and pecorino, using the egg yolk, guanciale fat, and pasta water to create a sauce, seasoned with black pepper.

    And don’t even think of substituting dried red chile flakes for the black pepper—that’s Arrabbiata Sauce.

    > The history of Spaghetti Carbonara.

    So what about those so-called carbonara recipes such as the ones below, as well as the many other “carbonaras” you may come across, laden with shrimp, topped with a poached egg, tossed with peas and asparagus (“spring carbonara”) or anything other than the following recipe?

    Call them non-authentic carbonara or carbonara wanna-be’s.

    The laborers for whom the dish was named didn’t have shrimp or poached eggs. They were making a quick lunch. The name “carbonara” comes from carbonaro, Italian for a coal burner.

    It is believed that the dish was created as a hearty, easy-to-make meal by men working outdoors for long periods, who used a portable coal burner to cook the dish.

    There’s a lot of adaptation of iconic recipes to suit food trends. Here’s our discussion on “Is it still a carbonara if you change the ingredients?”, “Margarita Vs. Not A Margarita,” and “What’s A Kir? What’s A Margarita?

    But at the end of the day, we serve to educate. Now that you know what authentic Spaghetti Carbonara is, we’ve done our job.

    This recipe does add a bit of olive oil, as needed, to help cook the bacon.

    If you can’t find guanciale or pancetta, substitute streaky (American) bacon—which will render plenty of its own fat, no olive oil needed.

  • 2 tablespoons kosher salt
  • 1 pound dried spaghetti, linguine, or bucatini
  • 1/2 pound guanciale or pancetta, cut into 1/4-inch dice
  • 2 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil, as needed
  • 3 large eggs, at room temperature
  • 4 ounces finely grated, freshly grated, Parmigiano-Reggiano cheese (more for serving if desired)
  • 1/4 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper

    1. BRING an 8-quart pot of salted water to a boil. Add the pasta and the salt and cook until al dente (this is typically 1 minute less than the package directions, but taste a strand to check). Stir often to prevent the spaghetti from sticking. Reserve 1 cup of the pasta water and drain the pasta. While the spaghetti cooks…

    2. PLACE the guanciale or pancetta in a 12-inch heavy-duty skillet. Cook over medium heat, stirring occasionally until the bacon is golden-brown but not yet crisp (3 to 5 minutes for guanciale, 5 to 7 minutes for pancetta. If not enough fat is rendered (it will be used to make the sauce), feel free to add olive oil. Once cooked, remove the skillet from the heat. Immediately add the drained pasta and toss.

    3. WHISK the eggs, Parmigiano-Reggiano, and 1/4 teaspoon black pepper in a medium bowl until well combined. Slowly whisk in 1/4 cup of the reserved pasta water. Quickly pour this mixture into the skillet, tossing continuously with tongs until the pasta is well coated, 15 to 30 seconds. Add more of the reserved pasta cooking water if needed to achieve a creamy consistency.

    4. SERVE immediately. Provide a peppermill so individuals can add additional black pepper to taste. We like to pass a bowl of grated Parmigiano in case anyone would like more.

  • Carbonara Nests
  • Deconstructed Pasta Carbonara
  • Mushroom Carbonara (photo #5)
  • Rigatoni Carbonara With Bacon & Apples
  • Spicy Pumpkin Carbonara

    > The difference between Parmigiano-Reggiano and parmesan cheese.

    > The history of spaghetti.

    > The history of carbonara.

    > The different types of pasta.

    *While Parmigiano-Reggiano is the nation’s darling, pecorino, the hard sheep’s milk cheese hails from the area between Lazio and Abruzzo where carbonara was born.






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    Wilton Easter Egg Spatula and Carrot Whisk

    Every baker knows to turn to Wilton for the best in cookie and cake bakeware, baking tools, and decorating ingredients. Whether for general baking or holiday-specific, you’ll find everything you need.

    But you don’t have to be a baker to treat yourself or give these cute Easter tools as gifts.

    They fit right into an Easter basket for kids who are cooking inclined.

    They’re fun for adults.

    They provide some Easter “décor” to one’s kitchen.

    You can give them as hostess gifts. We tied the spatula to a bottle of wine with an Easter ribbon.

    Both are inexpensive (around $5).

    Find these fun kitchen tools at Target and online at

    Give one, give both:

    Wilton Plastic Easter Egg Spatula (photo #2) is great for flipping foods in a pan or transferring cookies or snacks from the baking sheet to a cooling grid. Get it at Target.

    Wilton Carrot-Shaped Easter Metal Whisk (photo #1) is ready to whip up eggs, pancakes, cake batter, or whipped cream. Buy it from Wilton.

    And while you’re at it, check out Wilton’s Easter Shop.

    Even if you don’t bake, the Easter sprinkles and other decorations turn store-bought cakes and cupcakes into your own holiday creations.


    [1] Ready to whisk (both photos © Wilton).

    [2] Ready to flip.






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