TIP OF THE DAY: Easy Healthy Recipes, Part 3

We’re halfway through January. How’s the New Year’s resolution to “eat healthier” working for you? We’re here to help with another way to make easy, healthy recipes for dinner. This tip turns plain grilled, poached or roasted proteins into glamour dishes. (See Part 1 and Part 2.) The photo shows pan-sauteed catfish, but you can…
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TIP OF THE DAY: Eat Your Veggies In A Healthy Wrap Sandwich

[1] Use a wrap sandwich as an opportunity to eat more veggies. And don’t forget a whole wheat wrap (photo courtesy Online Vegetarian Deli.   Most people who consume a conventional American diet need to eat more veggies. A painless way to do this is to switch your sandwich to a wrap, and fill that…
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TIP OF THE DAY: Low Sodium & No Salt Added Canned Vegetables

If you’re trying add more vegetables in your diet this year, you may turn to canned vegetables—always waiting on the pantry shelf and easily portable to work and ready to eat. But with convenience comes salt, one thing that few people need more of. The American Heart Association recommends 1,500 milligrams of sodium (salt) per…
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TIP OF THE DAY: Lettuce Salad

You can make a salad with celery as the main ingredient. Photo and recipe courtesy Whole Foods Market. Commit to having at least one large plateful of salad every day. A salad first course will fill you up so you’ll eat less of the main course, which is typically starch and protein. And you won’t…
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RECIPE: Eat Your Spinach (With Garlic!)

Another better-eating tip for the New Year: make sure to eat your daily requirement of fruits and veggies. The old “Five A Day” rule has been replaced, recognizing that age and activity level have a greater bearing on what you should consume. For example, women ages 19 to 50 who are moderately active should have…
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