Hot sauce lovers should take a closer look at ají sauce, a standard in Ecuador and Peru. Aji amarillo is one of the most common types of chiles in the area, and is also one of the most important ingredients in the two countries. While, like all salsas, there are as many variations as there…
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RECIPE: Cauliflower Salad & Romesco Sauce

Victoria Amory is a cook and food writer born and raised in Spain. She now lives in the U.S., and has her own line of specialty sauces. One of the signature sauces from the Catalonia region of Spain is romesco. Learn more about it below. Victoria’s sells an Almond & Garlic Romesco Sauce, but you…
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TIP OF THE DAY: 10 Trending Sauces To Know (And Use!)

Yesterday we recommended serving proteins “three ways.” One of the ways to differentiate them is with sauces, and we recommended a look at the famed mother sauces of France. Then, we got an email from Food & The Menu, a magazine for chefs. The new issue features “10 Sauces Of The Moment”—options that span the…
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TIP OF THE DAY: Easy Peanut Dipping Sauce

A three-ingredient peanut sauce (photo © Lizzie Mabbot | Lizzy Eats London).   If you’re a fan of peanut sauce for dipping, making sesame noodles or drizzling over steamed vegetables, and diluted with salad oil for a salad dressing. While the preparation is simple—just combine the ingredients in a bowl and blend—depending on the recipe,…
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PRODUCT: A Better Pasta Sauce From Vino De Milo

You won’t find more nutritious pasta sauce than this! Photo courtesy Vino de Milo.   We first discovered Vino de Milo in 2005. It was a new line of gourmet tomato sauces for pasta and other dishes. Each flavor had a different wine in the recipe. It was a delight atop our pasta, chicken, eggs…
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