TIP OF THE DAY: The Right Cooking Oil

When you’re making a choice of cooking oil at the supermarket, do you know why you choose that particular type? Is it habit, what your mother used, whatever is on sale? There are three reasons to pick a cooking oil: 1. The first is for your health: Unsaturated fats, including monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats, are…
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For a few years now, verjus (vair-ZHOO) has been adopted in top culinary circles. But few consumers, even those who love to cook, know what it is. Verjus is the juice pressed from unripe grapes. The name means green juice in French, but the product dates back to at least ancient Rome (where it was…
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PRODUCT: Baconnaise’s Brother, Bacon Ranch Dressing

This packet of mix makes a delicious and addictive salad dressing or dip. Photo courtesy J & D’s. With the current trend toward everything bacon, even vegetarians and kosher eaters have products to enjoy. J & D’s, makers of Bacon Salt and Baconnaise, keep pumping out bacon-flavored products using natural smoke flavor and other flavors…
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NEWS: “Fake” Olive Oil Drama Continues

Innocent or guilty? One of the well-known extra-virgin olive oils alleged to be not exactly extra-virgin. Last week we wrote about shadiness in the olive oil industry: In a study conducted by the Olive Center at the University of California at Davis, 69% of imported oils labeled as extra-virgin were not; 10% of California oils…
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RECIPE: Blueberry Vinaigrette

It’s easy to make a sweet-and-tart fruit vinaigrette. Photo and recipe courtesy WildBlueberries.com. Why purchase bottled salad dressing when it’s so easy, less expensive and healthier to make your own (you control the sodium and sugar levels and don’t add preservatives)? It’s simple to mix oil and vinegar, but not that much more trouble to…
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