FOOD HOLIDAY: Make Peanut Clusters For National Peanut Cluster Day

March 8th is National Peanut Cluster Day. There is no documentation on the first appearance of the peanut cluster, but we know a few things, and below the peanut cluster history is an easy recipe to make your own. You’ll be delighted to bite into one with a cup of coffee, bring some as a…
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FOOD HOLIDAY: National Gumdrop Day & Gum Drops History

[1] Mmm, gumdrops (photo © Farley’s & Sathers). [2] Gumdrops with spice flavors are called spice drops. You can get these from the Vermont Country Store (photo © Vermont Country Store).   February 15th National Gumdrop Day. Gumdrops are a chewy, brightly-colored, fruit-flavored confection, usually shaped like a truncated cone, and coated in granulated sugar.…
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[1] Lincoln would often dine on an apple, nuts and cheese (photo © U.S. Apples). [2] An apple, cheese and nuts remain a healthy snack—or meal—today (photo © Paul Gaudriault | Unsplash). [3] Lincoln’s favorite beverage: water (photo © Jana Sabeth | Pexels).   Today is Abraham Lincoln’s birthday. He was born on February 12,…
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TIP OF THE DAY: Low Calorie Buffalo Chicken Parfait

America loves its chicken wings, never more than on Super Bowl Sunday: 1.2 billion chicken wings will be consumed this weekend alone, enough to circle the globe twice! Truth to tell, we’re not a fan of such messy finger food (we don’t do messy well). That’s why we took an immediate liking to this recipe…
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