FOOD FUN: Slab Pie Art

Since the old-fashioned slab pie started trending a few years back, almost every fruit pie we’ve made has been a slab pie. Why? They’re sooooo easy! A slab pie is a shallow pie that’s baked in a jelly roll pan or a rimmed baking sheet. It has a much higher crust-to-filling ratio than a standard…
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TIP OF THE DAY: Easy Tomato Chutney

[1] Turn summer tomatoes, ripe off the vine, into… [2] Tomato chutney! (Photo 1 courtesy Okonomi | Brooklyn, photo #2 courtesy Jamie Oliver). [3] This authentic Indian version has chili powder, garlic, garam masala and ginger. Here’s the recipe from Smart Cooky.   August is the best “tomato month” of the year. Aside from eating…
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S’mores Recipes For National S’mores Day

This yummy holiday is celebrated annually on August 10th, a combination of graham crackers, toasted marshmallows, and chocolate bars, a favorite campfire treat of Girl Scouts since the early 20th century. But there are numerous s’mores recipes beyond the cookie sandwich. The popularity of s’mores has had contemporary home cooks cooking up everything from s’mores…
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TIP OF THE DAY: Create An International Version Of Your Favorite American Sandwich

August is National Sandwich Month. We love sandwiches so much, we created a glossary with the different types of sandwiches. It is true that the Earl of Sandwich was inadvertently responsible for creating the modern English sandwich. But what we recognize as a sandwich—bread and filling—likely dates to around 9000 B.C.E., when permanent settlements were…
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RECIPE: Peach Panzanella, Just Peachy For Lunch Or Dinner

[1] Peach panzanella as a salad course and [2] a main course, with added mozzarella and prosciutto (photos courtesy Good Eggs). Fragrant ripe peaches [3] are a versatile ingredient at every meal (photos courtesy Pompeian.   August is National Peach Month, honoring the most popular stone fruit: the peach. (Other stone fruits, in the genus…
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