TIP OF THE DAY: Exotic Fruit-Of-The-Month Club

Divide a dragonfruit at the dinner table. Photo courtesy Melissas.com. Dragonfruit, Korean pears, pomegranates and cinnamon persimmons are just four fruits in season now that most people have never tried. Others, like cherimoya, jackfruit and coquitos are available year-round. You can give these fruits as gifts (Melissas.com has individual boxes and monthly “club” gifts). But…
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BOOK: Happy Anniversary, Harry & David

The Story Of Harry & David: Entrepreneur Samuel Rosenberg had no farming experience but was inspired in 1909 to buy the orchards that produced the award- winning Royal Riviera pears. Harry & David, America’s favorite source for gourmet food gifts, celebrates its diamond anniversary this year. Seventy-five years ago, entrepreneur Samuel Rosenberg paid $300,000 for…
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PRODUCT: Harry & David Royal Riviera Pears

Twice the size of a typical Anjou, Bartlett or Bosc pear, one juicy Royal Riviera pear is at least two fruit servings. Photo by Hannah Kaminsky | THE NIBBLE. We taste so many refined carbs in the course of our work day that we were thrilled to receive a gift box of Harry & David’s…
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TIP OF THE DAY: Vitamin C Juice Jolt

If you turn to orange juice for vitamin C, you should know that tropical fruit juices like guava and mango have even more vitamin C per serving. They also have more layers of flavor. Natural food markets and chains like Whole Foods are one source to find tropical juices; international supermarkets catering to Latino, Indian…
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FOCUS: You And National Cholesterol Month

If you’re thinking of serving a high-cholesterol cheese fondue, contemplate a veggie stir-fry instead (photo © iGourmet). Cheese, ice cream, beef, butter, mayonnaise—just a few of our staple foods that are high in cholesterol. According to the National Institutes For Health (NIH), the foods that make one’s bad cholesterol rise (the LDL, low density lipoprotein)…
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