FOOD HOLIDAY: August Is National Peach Month

Peaches originated in China. They were the first fruits to be domesticated, 4,000 years ago. Asians prefer the low-acid, sweeter, white-fleshed peaches while Europeans and North Americans have historically grown the yellow-fleshed varieties. Whichever you prefer, celebrate National Peach Month with some of these past NIBBLE selections: No-Calorie & Low-Calorie Treats: –AirForce NutriSoda Focus (Peach…
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RECIPES: Healthy Smoothies

There’s no better time than summertime to quench your thirst with a delicious smoothie. Flavorful and healthy stone fruits and berries are at their peak, and smoothies are a perfect way to showcase their bright flavors. Smoothies are creamy, frothy blended drinks made from whole fruit, ice and a variety of other ingredients such as…
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What could be better than a healthy sweet treat that tastes great? That’s why we were buzzing when we recently discovered the Bumble Bar, handcrafted in microbatches in Spokane, Washington (just 154 bars are made per batch). While not made with honey, they evoke a gourmet version of those sesame-honey candies—but they’re soft and pose…
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TIP OF THE DAY: Kids’ Kabobs

Looking for fun cheeses with which to make your kids’ kabobs? Look no further than Rogue Creamery’s flavored cheese curds.   Make cheese and fruit kabobs for the kids by using thin pretzel sticks instead of toothpicks or skewers. Use an ice pick to pierce a hole in cheese cubes and fruit (melon balls, grapes,…
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