TIP OF THE DAY: Fresh Cherries

Rainer cherries are now in stores. We got ours at Trader Joe’s. Photo courtesy Washington State Fruit Commission.   You can enjoy dried cherries year-round, but fresh cherries are a special event. They’re only available from mid-May through August, so don’t miss out: Put cherries on your shopping list. Cherries are a healthy snack food…
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TIP OF THE DAY: Throw A Fruit Preservation Party

Put up fruit for home and gifts. Photo courtesy Washington State Fruit Commission.   Last week we suggested a pie-baking contest as a summer soirée. This week’s idea: Throw a fruit preservation party, to preserve the delicious fruits of summer—or make your own jam. Preserve lush summer fruits now to give later, as holiday gifts…
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RECIPE: Fruit Salsa

Peach salsa is one of the best-selling salsa flavors. You can make your own salsa with almost any seasonal fruit, including other stone fruits such as nectarines and plumcots, or your favorite berries. The fruit takes the place of the tomato, although you can also add a tomato in season. Enjoy the result with chips…
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Yuzu juice is squeezed from the fresh yuzu citrus, in season in the U.S. from September to December. (It is grown in California. Fresh yuzu can’t be imported per USDA restrictions.) The small, round citrus fruit has become very popular with fine chefs, thanks to the availability of imported yuzu juice used by Japanese restaurants.…
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FOOD HOLIDAY: Strawberry Rhubarb Pie

National Strawberry Rhubarb Pie Day is June 9th. Rhubarb season is April through June, so you’ve got just a few more weeks to make this popular spring pie. Rhubarb first grew wild in northwest China, and was cultivated as far back as 5,000 years ago, for medicinal purposes. Technically, rhubarb is a vegetable, a member…
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