PRODUCT: Caring Candies’ Sugar-Free, Kosher & Tasty Treats

All-natural, sugar-free lollipops from Caring Candies taste as good as they look. Photo courtesy Caring Candies. Love candy but can’t have sugar? On a diet but need sweet treats? Caring Candies is the new sugar-free line in town (it’s imported from South Africa). It’s sweet stuff for people who can’t have regular sugar. The sugar-free…
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SUPER BOWL: Calorie-Saving Menu

We’re two weeks away from Super Bowl Sunday, a day where the snack planning is as important as the guest list. Those snacks can add 1,000 calories or more to your day; and each beer is 150-170 calories per 8-ounce portion (porter and stout have higher calories). Here are some tips to save calories on…
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PRODUCTS: 10 Appliances To Jump-Start Your Diet

If you haven’t yet begun to make good on that New Year’s resolution to eat healthier and/or lose weight (and we’re guilty of that!), read our recommendations of 10 appliances that help you cook enjoyable, lower-calorie foods. Take a look at how you can benefit from: An electric food steamer A food dehydrator Countertop grills…
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TIP OF THE DAY: Lemon Cucumber Water

Make your own flavored waters as a treat for yourself and your guests. Photo by Kelly Cline IST. Who needs bottled water—serve your guests an elegant pitcher of lemon cucumber water, evoking centuries past. 1. In a two-quart pitcher, cut half a cucumber into 1/8″ slices. If it’s a waxed cucumber, use a carrot peeler…
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TOP PICK OF THE WEEK: Big Papi En Fuego Gourmet Hot Sauce

One of the challenges of the food-writing profession is that, to do a really good job of it, you’ve got to taste everything straight off the spoon. Even hot sauce. Otherwise, the flavor of the bread, chicken or other food you’re using as a base gets in the way. Tasting soy sauce from the spoon…
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