TIP OF THE DAY: Goat or Sheep Tasting

Mount McKinley, a Nibble Top Pick, is a shepherd’s-style aged goat cheese unfamiliar to most people: sharp, earthy and nutty. Photo by B.A. Van Sise.   The next time you’re deciding on what cheeses to serve, select the entire group from either goat’s or sheep’s milk. From fresh chèvre to blue to Parmesan- and Cheddar-like…
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TIP OF THE DAY: Butter Ramekins

Flavored butter looks even more enticing when served in a lovely ramekin. This cultured butter is made by Beecher’s Handmade Cheese.   Instead of bringing butter to the table in a rectangular brick, serve it in ramekins, like some fine restaurants do. In addition to plain butter, you can easily make and serve different flavored…
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TOP PICK OF THE WEEK: Vermont Butter & Cheese Company

Today, you can buy a piece of decent chèvre in any major city. But in the early 1980s, few people knew what chèvre—goat cheese—was. It was then that Allison Hooper learned how to make chèvre, as an apprentice cheesemaker in Brittany, and returned to Vermont with a passion to make it in the U.S. Fortunately,…
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NEW PRODUCT: YoCrunch “Snack Yogurt”

Six special-edition, Spring-themed flavors of Breyers YoCrunch yogurt have replaced the core yogurt line for the season: YoCrunch with mini M&Ms candies, Oreo Cookies n’ Cream, Nestle Buncha Crunch, Butterfinger and Reese’s Pieces. The containers have a new look for springtime: themed packaging that features flowers, children at play and (aw, shucks) a baby chick…
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TIP OF THE DAY: Flavored Cream Cheese

If you don’t have time to make scallion cream cheese, do the next best thing: Snip chives into a small dish so that guests can sprinkle them on top of the cream cheese. It takes two minutes to wash and snip the chives.   When we serve flavored cream cheeses at brunch, the scallion cream…
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