THANKSGIVING: Spiced Cider Recipe

If it’s nippy outside over Thanksgiving, greet dinner guests and holiday weekend visitors with a glass of hot spiced cider. Add some rum, and you’ve got an apple rum toddy. A toddy is a warm cocktail made with spirits or sherry, boiling water, sugar and spices. Warm alcoholic beverages such as glögg, mulled wine and…
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TIP OF THE DAY: Thanksgiving Drinks For Non-Drinkers

Make your Thanksgiving more elegant by skipping the soda and serving unsweetened flavored water. These refreshing waters also are a change of pace for people who drink mineral water or club soda, as well as for designated drivers and others who aren’t drinking wine. Kids typically enjoy them, too, so it’s an opportunity to show…
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TIP OF THE DAY: Things To Do With Fudge Sauce

No cocoa? Mix milk with fudge sauce. Photo by Elton Lin | THE NIBBLE. If that jar of fudge sauce (a.k.a. chocolate sauce or hot fudge sauce) has been sitting on the shelf because you’re not into ice cream sundaes, how about turning it into hot chocolate, a milkshake or some mocha coffee? For hot…
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PRODUCT: Trop 50 Apple Juice

Apple juice without sugar guilt. Photo by River Soma | THE NIBBLE. We love shopping at farmers markets in the crisp fall air, loading up on our favorite Honeycrisp apples (the texture is the best!). And when we see fresh-from-the-farm apple juice, we can’t help but take home a jug. Unfortunately, that half gallon of…
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RECIPE: Turkey Dinner Burger

How many times a year do you have a turkey dinner with stuffing and cranberry sauce? If you’re like most Americans, the answer is: once, on Thanksgiving. But now, you can enjoy that turkey dinner any day via a Turkey Dinner Burger and Pumpkin Pie milkshake! It’s currently being served all month at Jake’s Wayback…
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