PRODUCT: World Centric Paper Straws (The Best Paper Straws!)

From ancient times, man has used drinking straws. Here’s the history of the drinking straw, dating back to Sumeria. The modern drinking straw, made of paper, debuted in 1888, ultimately coated in wax so it would hold up longer before getting mushy. But mushy it did get, losing its shape when saturated with liquid. The…
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VALENTINE GIFT: Lover’s Leap Tea

[1] Lover’s Leap, a blend of superior black teas with rose and chamomile petals, is available in both loose tea and tea bags (both photos © Steven Smith Teamaker). [2] Lover’s Leap Tea, nicely boxed.   Lover’s Leap Tea is a limited edition for Valentine’s Day, created by our favorite tea emporium, Steven Smith Teamaker.…
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TIP OF THE DAY: Valentine’s Day Cocktails

If you don’t have romantic plans for Valentine’s Day, how about inviting friends for cocktails? You can set up a bar buffet with pitchers of three or four red or rosy cocktails: Bloody Mary Cranberry Mimosa Cosmopolitan Crantini   Other options: Mulled wine, perfect for February. Kir, white wine poured atop crème de cassis (blackcurrant…
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TOP PICK OF THE WEEK: Meli’s Monster Cookies, Gluten Free

[1] chocolate chips, white chocolate chips and chocolate chunks (all photos © Meli’s Monster Cookies | Bluehall Bakery). [2] It takes just 12 minutes for warm cookies to emerge from your oven. [3] You can make bar cookies with the dry mixes. [4] Decorate a cake with crunchy cookies.   If you’re a cookie lover…
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Yusheng Recipe -Raw Fish Salad- Chinese Lunar New Year Food

January 25th, 2020 begins the Lunar New Year (a.k.a. Chinese New Year, but it’s celebrated in many other Asian countries). It lasts for 15 days. The recipe for yusheng is below. But first: We were chatting the other day that it’s the Year Of The Rat, an animal which does not evoke pleasant thoughts. So…
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