HOLIDAY GIFT: Robert Lambert Fruitcake

Even if you like fruitcake, the fruitcakes from Robert Lambert will raise the bar beyond any other fruitcake you’ve had. It is fruitcake for those in the know. It has nothing to do with the mass-produced versions loaded with neon candied fruit. Robert Lambert, a cookbook author and pastry chef, is one of America’s great…
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PRODUCT OF THE WEEK: Wonderful Seedless Lemons

[1] Seedless lemons from The Wonderful Company are a boon to bakers, cooks, and everyone who likes a squeeze of lemon on food and in drinks (both photos © Wonderful Citrus). [2] Look for this label in your grocery store. [3] Why squeeze pits along with the lemon juice (photo © The Fillmore | NYC…
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CHRISTMAS GIFT: Advent Calendar From Woodhouse Chocolate

Order quickly if you want this wonderful “Advent calendar”: Only 150 sets were made (photo #1). Unlike the old-fashioned Advent calendar where little doors were opened to reveal the day’s treat (photo #3), Woodhouse Chocolate’s 2019 version puts each treat in a separate, reusable tin. Each tin contains a wonderful chocolate surprise: hand-decorated chocolate figures,…
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RECIPE: Party Mix Bars – Fun Snack Bars

[1] Turn snack mix into party bars, with this recipe from Hannah Kaminsky’s new book, Sweet Vegan Treats (photo © Hannah Kaminsky). [2] Turn a party mix into the party bars above (photo © Chex). [3] A book for anyone interested in vegan desserts. including kosher and lactose-intolerant eaters),   We love this recipe from…
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TIP OF THE DAY: Wine Pairings For Thanksgiving

Because Thanksgiving is the American holiday, we always serve American wines. If you pour just one white wine and one red wine at Thanksgiving, that’s O.K. But for those who want to up their wine-pairing game, the folks at Cameron Hughes Wine (photo #3) have put together a Thanksgiving food and wine pairing guide and…
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