Grilled Cabbage Steaks Recipe

[1] First, take a head of cabbage (photo ©y Good Eggs). [2] Next, slice it, grill it and garnish it (photo © McCormick). [3] For better flavor, chop quality blue cheese instead of using packaged crumbles (photo ©   What’s next after Grilled Cauliflower Steaks? Why, its cruciferous† cousin, Grilled Cabbage Steaks. It can…
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TIP: Asian Dumplings & Italian Ravioli, The Difference

While the historical record is scant, it is believed that the pasta Marco Polo brought back from China in 1295 was pillow pasta: stuffed and crimped sheets of pasta dough, a.k.a. dumplings. And a.k.a. ravioli, too. The difference is largely local ingredients.   ASIAN DUMPLINGS & STUFFED PASTA: FRATERNAL TWINS Noodles (spaghetti or other “long…
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Strawberry Rhubarb Galette Recipe, A Spring Favorite Pie

[1] Rhubarb with its leaves. Don’t eat the leaves—they’re mildly toxic (photo © [2] Trimmed rhubarb, as it is most often seen in stores (photo © Good Eggs | San Francisco). [3] A beautiful strawberry-rhubarb pie. Here’s the recipe (photo © The Baker Chick).   To many foodies, the beginning of spring means asparagus,…
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TIP OF THE DAY: Cider Tasting For Mother’s Day

Drier ciders work better with meats. Photo courtesy Angry Orchard.   Skip the Pinot Grigio and taste some cider for Mother’s Day. It’s more novel than wine, and will suit any guest: Cider is equally popular among men and women, whereas beer is significantly more popular among men*. Cider is also gluten-free and less filling…
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PASSOVER: Matzoh Strawberry “Shortcake” Recipe

Substitute matzoh for the biscuits or cake in this Passover Strawberry Shortcake recipe. Photo and recipe courtesy Good Eggs | San Francisco.   In addition to Chocolate Matzoh Crunch and chocolate-dipped coconut macaroons, we’ve added anther Passover treat to our recommendations. It’s courtesy of Good Eggs in San Francisco. “Shortcake“ is a stretch as a…
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