TOP PICK OF THE WEEK: Rebel Fish Salmon Fillets

THE NIBBLE has always written about better-for-you foods. But each January, when people make their resolutions to eat better in the new year, we declare it Healthy Food Month. In January, we don’t tempt you with gourmet potato chips, artisan chocolates or lemon meringue pie. Instead, we show that it really is easy to find…
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RECIPE: Easy Roasted Spiced Carrots

Love roasted root vegetables? Who doesn’t! Turn a humble bag of carrots into delicious roasted carrots, spiced and fragrant with cinnamon, cumin and ginger. RECIPE: CUMIN-SPICED ROASTED CARROTS Ingredients 1 pound carrots 1 tablespoon olive oil 1/2 teaspoon ground cumin 1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon 1 pinch ground ginger Salt and pepper to taste   Preparation…
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Pinata Apples & The Top 10 Apple Varieties

[1] The Piñata apple from Stemilt is a crisp, juicy eating apple (photo © Stemilt). [2] Try it in a warm compote, plain or with ice cream (photo © Ziploc). [3] It’s also a great cooking apple. We love sautéed apples with a pork roast or ham (photo © Williams Sonoma). [4] Is there anything…
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TIP OF THE DAY: Snow Cream (Snow Ice Cream)

AN ANCIENT TREAT Although the crank ice cream freezer wasn’t invented until 1843, and the first large-scale commercial ice cream plant in 1851, research shows that ice cream was first created in the cold regions of China more than 4,000 years ago. There, milk and cream, perhaps some overcooked rice, and spices were packed in…
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What Is Kefir & Why You Should Drink It (Delicious & Very Healthy)

[1] Kefir as a midday snack or even a better-for-you dessert (photo © Viktorija | Fotolia). [2] Green Valley Organics makes lactose-free dairy products, including kefir, yogurt, sour cream and cream cheese. They’re a godsend to dairy lovers with lactose intolerance (photo by Elvira Kalviste | © THE NIBBLE). [3] If you’re sensitive to cow’s…
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