PRODUCT: Ghiradelli Chocolate Bars

Some people are purists; but when we enjoy a chocolate bar, we have a better time when it’s combined with another flavor. Ghirardelli has an armload of options in dark, milk and white chocolate: plump melt-in-your-mouth squares variously filled with caramel, mint, orange, raspberry and other favorites. The company recently added two new flavors to…
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TIP OF THE DAY: Avocado Boat

An avocado boat, Southwestern style. Photo courtesy Avocado Central.   If your principal enjoyment of avocado is in the form of guacamole, allow us to suggest an avocado “boat”—a stuffed avocado half. When our grandmother held her weekly card parties with “the ladies,” their choice of luncheon was Avocado Boat With Crab Salad. Not surprisingly,…
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