TOP PICK OF THE WEEK: Chicken Meatballs

Where’s the beef? It’s been replaced by chicken, in these tasty meatballs from Coleman Natural, ready to heat and eat. Coleman Natural’s Gourmet Chicken Meatballs are antibiotic-free, hormone-free, preservative-free and vegetarian-fed. They’re gluten-free and soy-free. They’re better for you than conventional beef or pork meatballs. See all the different things you can do with chicken…
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TIP OF THE DAY: Eat Your Veggies In A Healthy Wrap Sandwich

[1] Use a wrap sandwich as an opportunity to eat more veggies. And don’t forget a whole wheat wrap (photo courtesy Online Vegetarian Deli.   Most people who consume a conventional American diet need to eat more veggies. A painless way to do this is to switch your sandwich to a wrap, and fill that…
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CONTEST: Good Earth Tea Tag Quotes

If you read the fortunes in fortune cookies and say, “I can do better than this!”—your opportunity is here. But instead of hiding in cookie fortunes, your thoughts can be immortalized on tea bag tags. Good Earth Tea’s tea tags have long featured inspirational quotes. The company has just launched the “TAG, YOU’RE IT!” Tea…
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TIP OF THE DAY: Bison Burgers

Bison burgers are low in fat (just leave off the Gorgonzola). Photo courtesy The burger is America’s favorite food. Many people eat burgers daily, even twice daily (you know who you are!). But a beefburger is filled with saturated fat—none more so than the “select” grade of beef used for many low- to moderately-priced…
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FOOD VIDEO: How To Choose Healthier Ice Cream

  America has been convinced that it needs superpremium ice cream: higher milkfat (butterfat) and lower overrun (less air). That’s the equivalent of saying that we need heavy cream in our coffee, when most of us do quite well with fat-free, lowfat or whole milk. If you only eat ice cream occasionally, this shouldn’t be…
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